IUCAA Junior Research Fellowship in CMB Analysis 2015 : Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics

Organization : Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Scholarship Name : Junior Research Fellowship in CMB Analysis 2015
Applicable For : M.Sc./M.Tech Holders
Application Last Date : November 18, 2015

Website : http://www.iucaa.in/
Notification https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/4191-NOV-2015.pdf

Junior Research Fellowship in CMB Analysis 2015:
Applications are invited for a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) position to work in the project “Advanced algorithms for gravitational wave and cosmic microwave background data analysis” under Dr. Sanjit Mitra at IUCAA. The project is funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, India. The position is available immediately. Appointment will be made till July-2016 and can not be extended.

The position offers a monthly fellowship of Rs. 16,000 per month and other facilities as per IUCAA norms.

Qualification :
Successful completion of M.Sc./M.Tech. or equivalent degree with first class or equivalent class/grade.

Candidates must have a good background in Physics and strong motivation to work in data analysis for precision Cosmology. The job will require technical knowledge (mathematical and computational) for writing data analysis softwares. Prior experience in astronomy and dataanalysis projects will be preferred.

How to apply:
Interested candidates may apply by email to Mr. Santosh Khadilkar <aocp@iucaa.ernet.in> with a Curriculum Vitae and a brief (one paragraph) statement of purpose. In email applications, please mention in the subject line `Application for JRF in CMB analysis’. Theapplicants should also arrange for two letters of reference to be sent directly to the same email address before the Last Date.

Job description:
The candidate will be expected to develop an analysis pipeline for the analysis of data from recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiment (Planck, WMAP etc.). The software should be able to take advantage of parallel computing environment and implemented in a high performance computing (HPC) facility available at IUCAA.

For further enquiries, please contact Mr. Santosh Khadilkar at aocp@iucaa.ernet.in

Last date for Application: November 18, 2015

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