NIS Chennai Ph.D Research Fellowship For M.D(S) Gunapadam Candidates 2015-16 : National Institute of Siddha

Organization : National Institute of Siddha
Scholarship Name : Gunapadam Ph.D Research Fellowship 2015-16
Applicable For : M.D(S) Gunapadam Candidates
State : Tamil Nadu

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Gunapadam Ph.D Research Fellowship 2015-16:
Notwithstanding anything contained in general Ordinances of the Institute, the Admission, examinations etc. the award of Research Fellowship by the Institute shall be governed by these Regulations.

Purpose Of The Award Of Research Fellowship :
To provide an opportunity to research students and teachers to undertake advance study and research in the field of Siddha. The candidate may submit his/her research work for the award of Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject, if Research Committee approves it. The candidate should submit the research work for the award of Ph.D. degree in the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai

Fellowship Stipend:
The stipend of the Research Fellowship would be Rs.18,702/-+ DA, Rs.19,323/-+DA and Rs.19,323/-+DA as revised from time to time by central government for first, second and third year respectively.

The Fellowship will be awarded initially for two years and it may be extended by another year on the basis of performance to complete the work. The total duration of the research Fellowship will not be extended beyond three years. The Fellowship may be terminated at any time if the work and the conduct of candidate is not found satisfactory.

Under special circumstances considering the importance of the work, a high power committee consisting of Director, Dean, Guide and two experts of the concerned field (To be nominated by the Director) ay further extend the tenure of the Fellowship as deemed essential by the committee. But the candidate will not be provided Fellowship stipend beyond three years.

Eligibility :
Fellowships are open to persons preferably below the age of 35 years (For SC/ST and women candidates upto 40 years, three years relaxation for OBC against reserved category), who have obtained a Post Graduate Degree of Siddha, M.D (Siddha) in Gunapadam subject concerned from a university recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

a) The Research Fellowship will be tenable by the rules as approved by the National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.
b) The Fellow will perform whole-time research work under the approved guide on the selected topic.

c) The Fellow will not accept or hold any appointment paid or otherwise or receive any emoluments, salary, stipend, etc. from any other source, during the tenure of the award. The Fellows are also required to undertake teaching assignments as provided by the Institute, e.g., tutorials, practical demonstration, laboratory work, etc. which would help them in future as a teacher and researcher.

d) The Fellow shall present his work, through his Guide, half yearly report on the progress of his work to the Director, which will be reviewed in consultation with Research Committee. Before the expiry of the Fellowship, the Fellow will make a comprehensive presentation as a pre-submission before the Research Committe and Director and Department teachers. After the approval of pre-submission, the thesis will be submitted to the Director, duly signed by Guide, Co-guide and abstract in about 2000 words and CD of the research work done during the tenure of the Fellowship.

e) If a Fellow wishes to leave the Fellowship before the end of the tenure, it should be done with the prior approval of the Director on the recommendation of the Guide. In such case, the candidate has to refund all the stipend, he/she has received till date.
f) He/She should also obtain prior permission of the Director on the recommendation of the Guide for appearing at any examination / Interview conducted by any University or other Institution.

g) Research Fellowship will be tenable initially for a period of two years. Anytime within two years of the tenure, the performance of the Research Fellows will be assessed by the Guide and Director. On assessment, if it is found that the Fellow lacks research potential, the Fellowship may be terminated at any time within 2 years.
h) A Fellow who has completed his essential research work and 2 years period, is eligible to make pre-submission presentation. After the successful presentation, he/she is entitled to leave NIS and completethe data compilation and typing work within one year.

Applications will be invited through newspaper advertisement. In-service candidates must forward applications through competent authority. The selection of research fellows will be made on the basis of merit based on written test with minimum qualifying marks of 55% for General and OBC candidates and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates followed by interview by a Selection Committee, consisting of Director, Dean, Guide and a senior teacher in the Department for the purpose. The selection will be made once a year.

Application should be collected from NIS office with DD for value of Rupees 1000/- by hand or Rupees 1050/- by post as application fee remitted through Demand Draft drawn in favour of National Institute of Siddha, Payable at Chennai from any nationalized banks. Filled-in application along with a DDfor Rs.500/-. Fees and other dues will be charged from the fellows as decided by NIS, Chennai from time to time.

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