Disha Law college DLC : Outstanding Merit & Sibling Scholarships 2015-16

Organization : Disha Law college
Scholarship Name : Outstanding Merit & Sibling Scholarships 2015-16
Applicable For : CLAT Top Scorers & New Students

Website :
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Disha Law college Outstanding Merit Scholarships:
The top Twenty five Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) scorers, who enroll in the three year LL.B. programme, five year B.A. LL.B. programme, will be awarded the Disha Law College Outstanding Merit Scholarship of Rs. Twenty Five Thousand each. This will be based solely on their performance in the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT).

Disha Law college Sibling Scholarships:
The aim of the scholarship is to encourage and support sibling to enter in the field of law. An award of Rs. Six Thousand will be given to each student who scored atleast 60% marks in qualiflying examination..

Detailed information relating to scholarships, fellowships and fee concessions is available in the website Students who qualify under Chhattisgarh domicile category may be eligible for full or partial fee concession.

Education Loans:
Disha Education Society has established tie-ups with Central Bank of India, to facilitate education loans to students who are admitted at DES.

Disha Law College:
Disha Law College, Raipur aims at building the capabilities of its students in such way that they are ready for the outside legal world. Therefore utmost importance is placed from first semester on clinical legal education and internships at various Non-governmental organizations, legal departments, under advocates and corporate bodies.

Workshops, seminars and mock moot competitions are organized regularly at Disha Law College to intellectually provoke the students to think about societal issues and the role they can play in solving such problems. The college also organizes trips to Lokadalats and various courts and forums to aware the students about how judiciary functions. The aim is always to brush up the advocacy skills of students according to working strategies of law in real world.

Contact Us:
Vidhansabha-Chandrakhuri Marg
Ahead of Gyanganga School
Dist : Raipur

Phone No :: 0771-4231000-09
Mobile :: 98935-94006, 97525-22005
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