iilmgsm.ac.in 2016-18 PGDM IILM Scholarship Scheme : Graduate School of Management

Organization : IILM Graduate School of Management
Scholarship Name : PGDM IILM Scholarship Scheme 2016-18
Location : Greater Noida

Website : http://www.iilmgsm.ac.in/
Scholarship Details: https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/4033-PGDM-2016-18.pdf

IILM Scholarship Scheme – PGDM (2016-18):
Notes :
1. No two scholarships can be combined.
2. Amount of scholarship in various categories detailed below, is offered as percentage of tuition fee.

1. Scholarships for Girls :
All girl students who are selected for admission to IILM PGDM, are eligible for a 10% scholarship.

2. Scholarships for students with Bachelor’s degree in engineering:
All students who are selected for admission to IILM PGDM, and have secured 60% or more marks in their B.Tech or B.E., and are eligible for 20% scholarship.

3. Open Merit Scholarships:
To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must meet all conditions mentioned in a), b), and c).
Scholarship amount in this category is 40% of the Tuition fee.
Selection for this scholarship is subject to an interview by the Awards Committee.
(Cap of scholarships to 20 in each campus, first come first serve basis)
The continuation of the scholarship in subsequent terms is based on the student’s academic performance in earlier terms and a review with the scholarship award committee.

Examination Marks / Score for eligibility:
a) Class XII 80% & Above
b) Bachelors degree B.Tech or B.E. : 70% and above B.Sc., BCA, B.Com, B.A. : 65% and above
MAT Minimum score of 720 or CMAT Minimum score of 360 or CAT 75 Percentile & above or XAT 75 Percentile & above

4. Merit cum Means Scholarship:
IILM offers financial assistance to deserving students from low income families, in form of Merit-cum-Means Scholarships. The Scholarship Award Committee selects the candidates on the basis of pre-defined criteria of academic excellence and their families’ financial means.

To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must meet all conditions mentioned in a), b), and c) of the following table.
Proof of family’s financial income is required to qualify. The continuation of the scholarship in subsequent terms is based on the student’s academic performance in earlier terms and a review with the scholarship award committee. Students with family income of less than Rs 3.0 lakhs per annum are eligible for 75% scholarship

Examination Marks / Score for eligibility :
a) Class XII 80% & Above
b) Bachelors degree B.Tech or B.E. : 70% and above B.Sc., BCA, B.Com, B.A. : 65% and above
c) MAT Minimum score of 720 or CMAT Minimum score of 360 or CAT 75 Percentile & above or XAT 75 Percentile & above

5. Scholarship for Outstanding Achievements in Sports or bravery :
The Scholarship has been instituted to acknowledge outstanding achievement of students in area of Sports, Culture and Bravery. Such achievements must to be recognized /awarded at National or International level by a jury of repute. These students will be eligible for 20% scholarship. Institute’s decision will be final.

6. Scholarship for J&K and North East domiciled students :
To encourage students from the states of Jammu & Kashmir, and the North East (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland), we offer a special scholarship of 20%, who meet the eligibility requirement of the programme and have an offer to join IILM PGDM.

7. Scholarship for children of Defence Forces :
Personnel Children of Defence Forces personnel who meet the eligibility requirement of the programme and have an offer to IILM PGDM, are eligible for 20% scholarship. Children of Martyrs, who meet the eligibility requirement of the programme and have an offer to join IILM PGDM are entitled for full tuition waiver.

Explanatory Notes :
a. All scholarships in Categories 3, 4, and 5 to be reviewed by Committees.
b. Girl students from J&K and North East States will be eligible for 20% Scholarship.

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