Bharti Scholarship Form : Bijapur Socio Economic Cultural Association

Organization : SECAB Socio Economic Cultural Association
Scholarship Name : Bharti Scholarship Form
Location : Bijapur

Website :
Application Form

Bharti Scholarship Form:
The candidate is required to give two references of reputed persons other than his/her relatives. The Foundation will be at liberty to refer to them regarding the candidate’s eligibility for the scholarship

General Terms and Conditions:
1. It is essential that the candidate fills in all the information in the application form correctly and truthfully. If it is found that student had made false statement in the application form, the foundation will have full discretion to stop the scholarship.
2. On receipt of the intimation of grant of scholarship the candidate is to inform his/her bank details to Bharti Foundation to enable easy remittance of scholarship amount.
3. A confirmation letter from the scholar on receiving the cheque should be sent to Bharti Foundation within 10 days, as a receipt of the cheque.
4. A change of stream after allotment of the scholarship will lead to disqualification from the scheme.
5. A scholar who has dropped a semester shall be disqualified as a scholar, except when partner Institute has canceled the semester due to any reason. However, a scholar who has dropped the semester on medical ground shall be eligible for the scholarship.
6. For renewal of scholarship, the Bharti scholar will send a request letter within 15 days after the announcement of the result, giving details of his/her academic achievements in the last academic year and letter of recommendation from the head of the Institute (as per the formats), and it will be renewed based on the renewal criteria.

About SECAB:
SECAB – Socio Economic Cultural Association Bijapur Established in 1969 by Shams-uddin Punekar to provide education to the children of Bijapur, was soon accepted as a standard educational Institution by the people of the city.

Phone:   08352 276930

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