University of Delhi Shailja Sehagal Memorial Scholarship :

Organization : University of Delhi
Scholarship Name : Shailja Sehagal Memorial Scholarship
Applicable For : M.Sc (Final) Chemistry Students

Website :
Scholarship Details:

Shailja Sehagal Memorial Scholarship:
1. There shall be a post-graduate scholarship* called “Shailja Sehgal Memorial Scholarship” for M.Sc. (Final) in Chemistry payable out of the interest on `17,000/- donated by Shailja Sehgal Cheritable Trust, ‘Arpan’ G-7, Outer Ring Road, Pashim Vihar, New Delhi in memory of Miss Shailja Sehgal, a student of M.Sc. (Final) year class in Chemistry in the academic year 1986-87 who died in a road accident.

2. The Scholarship shall be of the value of ` 150/- ** per month tenable for one year and shall be awarded every year to a student M.Sc. (Final) year class in Chemistry in the University of Delhi and offering ‘Physical Chemistry’ as specialisation.
3. The Scholarship shall be awarded strictly by merit to a student who secures the highest marks in the M.Sc. (Previous) Examination in Chemistry in the preceding year and offers ‘Physical Chemistry’ as specialization in the M.Sc. (Final) year class.

4. In case, the student securing the highest marks in the M.Sc. (Previous) Examination as above is in receipt of any other scholarship as provided hereafter, the scholarship will be awarded to the next eligible satisfying the above conditions.
5. Any student in receipt of this scholarship shall not be permitted to hold any other scholarship/financial assistance, awarded by Delhi University or any other University or by the Central Government or state Government or Private Body, except fresship.

6. The scholarship shall be awarded for a period of one year and shall be subject to satisfactory progress of the student at studies.
7. Any amount accruing from interest of the endowment if not spent to during any year shall be added to the corpus of Endowment Fund.
8. A report of the award of the Scholarship shall be furnished to the Donors each time.

*The above scholarship has since been converted into one time book grant {SC(scholarship) meeting dated 28.09.2007}.
**The value of the book grant be at the present accrued annual income on such endowment fund {SC(scholarship) meeting dated 27.01.2004.}

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