National Trust Gyan Prabha Scholarship Scheme : Amrit Foundation of India

Organization : Amrit Foundation of India
Scholarship Name : National Trust Gyan Prabha Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities
Website :
Application Form

Amrit Gyan Prabha Scholarship

A Scholarship Scheme for Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities

Related : Amrit Scholarship For Disability Studies 2018 :


To encourage people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities for pursuing post schooling any vocational training / professional courses for= enhancement of their skills.

Persons with disability in general and persons with aforesaid disabilities in particular, face several barriers – physical, financial, psychological, mental barriers- in pursuing studies and living life with dignity. At times, persons with disabilities are deprived of harnessing their latent skills and thereby lose the opportunity to earn their livelihood in the mainstream society. It is in this context that the Scheme envisages to encourage persons with such disabilities by providing scholarship to pursue post schooling any vocational/ professional courses for skill enhancement and thereby enabling them to live life with dignity.


1. Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities are eligible for the scholarship
2. For pursuing post schooling any professional course or vocational training and other creative activities from recognized institutions for self employment / employment.
3. Scholarship will be awarded for pursuing only one course.
4. Continuation / renewal of the scholarship for next year will depend on successful performance in course in the preceding year with minimum 50% marks
5. Monthly family income of the beneficiary should not be more than Rs.15,000/- from all sources. Family income includes income of the parent/guardian.

Scholarship Amount

Scholarship amount shall be up to Rs. 700/- pm per person for 1000 persons every year.

1. Applications, in prescribed format only, can be submitted throughout the year on first come first serve basis.
2. Applications must be countersigned and recommended by the head of the institution in which the applicant is enrolled.
3. All applications will be received and scrutinized by SNACs on behalf of the National Trust. In States/ UTs not having SNAC, the National Trust may authorize any agency to receive and scrutinize applications on its behalf or mayeven receive applications directly. All applications shall be forwarded, with suitable recommendations, by the first week of the following months to the National Trust for approval.
4. On approval, 90% of the scholarship will be disbursed every month, through
SNAC/ authorized agency, either directly to the account of the applicant or through post dated cheques.
5. Balance payment of scholarship shall be made only on successful completion of the course.

List of Enclosures

1. Academic records (attested copy of certificates and Marks sheet)
2. Proof of annual income, e.g. Salary Slip, Latest Income Tax Return
3. Attested copy of Disability Certificate
4. Course fee receipt (if any) with break up of each item duly paid during the academic session.
5. Course Completion certificate (at the end of the course)

National Trust:
For the Welfare of persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,
Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities,
(Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India)
9th Floor, Jeevan Prakash Building,
25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110001

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