SHE 2015 Scholarship For Higher Education Application : DST Department of Science & Technology

Organization : Department of Science & Technology DST
Scholarship Name : SHE Scholarship For Higher Education 2015
Applicable State : All India
Application Last Date : 15th December 2015

Website :
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Notification 2015 :

Scholarship For Higher Education (SHE):

Applications for the year 2015 are invited from eligible candidates for INSPIRE Scholarship under Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) component of Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) scheme of the Department of Science & Technology. Interested and eligible students must apply and submit their application with all essential documents through ONLINE mode only, through the web-portal

Update : DST Inspire Scholarship For Higher Education SHE 2019 :

This webportal will be open from 1st November 2015 (10-00 hrs) and will be available up to 15th December 2015 (17-00 hrs) for submission of applications. The detailed notification of this announcement call is available at the website

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for ‘Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)’, a component of INSPIRE. Total of 10,000 scholarships are available annually under SHE. The scholarships are limited only to the candidates who have passed Class XII in the year 2015 from various recognized Indian State and Central Boards and studying courses in natural/ basic sciences at three years B.Sc., B.Sc (Hons), four years B.S and five years integrated M.Sc./M.S programs in any UGC recognized College/ University/ Institutions in India. The Scheme in its current format does not include courses in engineering, medicine, technology and other professional or technical or applied science courses.

Value & Type of Support :

Each eligible candidate will receive scholarship valued at Rs.80,000 annually. The cash value payable to the SHE scholarship holder is Rs.60,000 per annum along with a summer time attachment fee of Rs.20,000 which will be paid for undertaking summer time research project.

Duration of the Support :

Selected candidates will be supported for a maximum period of five years starting from 1st year course in B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons), BS and integrated course leading to M.S. or M.Sc. or till completion of the course, whichever is earlier.

Continuation of the scholarship for selected candidates is based on performance in the examinations conducted and certified by the institution imparting education.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria :

The eligibility of candidates will be based on a) performance in Board Examinations within the cut-off threshold (top 1%) for each State or Central Board Examination in the year 2015 at Class XII level as listed in Table 1 and/ or b) performance in any of the specified Competitive Examinations within stipulated cut off ranks and recipient of various scholarships and medals (Table 2 & Table 3). The eligible candidate must be already enrolled into a valid degree level course in natural / basic sciences within the scope of INSPIRE Scholarship (Table 4) at any UGC recognized College or University or National Institute in India.

Receipt of Eligibility Note or Eligibility Certificate on INSPIRE Scholarship from respective Board is not mandatory as an eligibility criteria to apply and also do not guarantee the Scholarship. Moreover, top 1% Cut-off of previous year (2014) given in Table 1 would only be used for guidelines purpose. For more details visit our website and

The selection will be subject to evaluation of each application based on the above eligibility criteria including finalization of actual top 1% cut-off of Class 12 examination 2015 for each Board. In the case of receiving more than 10,000 eligible applications in the given year, the selection will be on the basis of Board inclusive model within the available number of Scholarships in that year as it has been accepted and implemented for the selection of students passed out in year 2014.

Students Need to do Interested and eligible candidates who have passed Class XII Board Examination in the year 2015 (only) [as per Table 1for Board examination based eligibility or as per Table 2 or Table 3 for Competitive Examination based eligibility or having Eligibility Certificate or Eligibility Note for 2015 Board Examination issued by the respective Board (not mandatory)] must apply in the prescribed format along with the documents listed below.

Application Procedure :

To apply On-line, please visit the website and follow the process prescribed therein. The On-line application submission process shall commence from 1st November 2015 (10-00 hrs) and shall end on 15th December 2015 (17-00 hrs).

The applicants are advised to obtain a print out of the submitted online application for his/her records. Please do not send the application or any other documents by Post submitted online. The following points may be observed by the applicant very carefully.

View Comments (29)

  • Shilpa Rani D/o Vijay kumar reg no. 3064/2012 I have not received my Msc. last year scholarship yet.I have fulfilled your all requirements on time. Many times I have maiked you but not fruitful, please tell me why I have not get my scholarship, and when I got it.

  • Please tell, how can I send the SBI account number along with inspire application 2017 and when will you declare the result of inspire SHE scholarship 2017?

  • I am a B.Sc 3rd year student. I got 89.40% in 12th board exam. I got 75.11% marks in 1st year and 73.55% marks in 2n year. When do I get my scholarship?

  • Inspire scholarship is sanctioned at 12th October 2017 but it is not credited in my account. Why?

  • I have submitted my all documents on inspire ID. But I have not received my scholarship. I am very confused, what should I do?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The following subjects under Basic and Natural Sciences are within the scope of INSPIRE Scholarship for pursuing BSc/BS/Int. MSc/Int. MS course:
      (1) Physics, (2) Chemistry, (3) Mathematics, (4) Biology, (5) Statistics, (6) Geology, (7) Astrophysics, (8) Astronomy, (9) Electronics, (10) Botany, (11) Zoology, (12) Bio- chemistry, (13) Anthropology, (14) Microbiology, (15) Geophysics, (16) Geochemistry, (17) Atmospheric Sciences & (18) Oceanic Sciences.
      The student must be enrolled into the aforementioned BSc, BS, Int. MSc/Int.MS courses before applying for INSPIRE Scholarship.
      Courses other than these subjects such as Engineering, Medicine, Military Science, Defense Studies, Agriculture, Psychology, Seed Technology, Anthropology, Home Science, Geography, Economics, Education (including B.Sc.-B.Ed. dual degree course), Bio-technology, Computer Science, Computer Applications, Bio-informatics, Instrumentation, Information Technology, Physical Education, courses in Distance Education mode at the Open Universities and other professional courses are NOT supported.

  • I am inspire scholar. I am reading in MSN 2nd year but I did not find scholarship in 1st year. when will I get it? and in which address I have to send photo copy of results?

  • I am B.Sc 2nd year. I got 90%mark in intermediate 2015. I got 61.33% mark in B.Sc 1st year. When will I get the scholarship?

  • When will the selection list come for 2015? I do not have got any notification on my email id till now. I am so much confused as whether I am selected or not.

  • I am B.Sc 2nd year student. I uploaded my bank passbook pdf on 28th Dec 2016 but further I wanna upload my mark sheet PDF within the last date 15 Jan 2017. But there is message on bottom that "we are processing your request. please wait". How much time will it take to proceed?

  • Please give me a chance to complete the SHE application. I had got 96.5% marks in plus two. I had done the first step. Please help me.

  • I have applied for inspire scholarship-SHE. I have completed my I.Sc. in the year 2015. Currently I am studying in second year of B.Sc. Few days ago when I opened inspire id it shows that please provide your identification mark. I selected the option aadhaar no and put it. When will I get to know as whether I am
    selected or not?

  • I apply online inspire scholarship form of 2014 batch. After B.Sc admission my scholarship is not reached because my form is rejected and in rejected it shows incomplete. Please give some information to re-upload scholarship form for batch of 2014.

  • I have applied for inspire scholarship(SHE)2015. I have completed 12th in year 2015. Currently I am studying in Bsc 2nd year. I have also submitted my 1st year 1st semester result.
    When will I get to know whether I am selected or not?

  • I am pursuing now and received eligibility certificate from Andhra Pradesh state board. Am I eligible to apply for SHE inspire scholarship?

  • I have applied for inspire scholarship-SHE. I have completed my puc in the year 2015. Currently I am studying in second year of bsc. When I will get to know whether I am selected or not?

  • I am facing the problem to fill the application form for INSPIRE SHE. Please suggest me any other option.
    Last date:20/12/2015 © 2022

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