Punjab SC/OBC Post Matric Scholarship Application Status & Retrieve Applicant Id/ Password : punjabscholarships.gov.in

Organization : Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes (SC) and Backward Classes (BC)
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship Application Status & Retrieve Applicant Id/ Password
Applicable For : SC & OBC Students
Applicable State : Punjab

Login Here : scholarships [dot] punjab [dot] gov[dot] in

Related / Similar Post : Punjab Scholarship Student’s Application Search

How To Check Post Matric Scholarship Application Status Online ? :
You can check the status of your application anytime. After logging in, click on “ Edit-Lock-Print Application” . Then select “Track Status” option. This will provide you current / latest status of your Scholarship Application.

How To Retrieve Applicant ID/ Password?
You can recover your Applicant ID/ Password by clicking on “Registered students: Recover your password” from the Registered Student Log-in box. You have to fill up details like First Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and e-mail Id, as you have entered in the application while generating the initial password. Application will regenerate the Password and SMS would be sent to your contact Mobile Number.

What is the last date for submitting applications online?:
For such dates please look at the “Announcement” box in the home page. It is important to mention here that after registration the student login id and password will be valid for only fifteen days during which he has to apply for the scholarship. After fifteen days if the student has not applied for the scholarship his credentials will become invalid and he /she has to register again.

What documents I have to submit with the print out/hard copy of the application?:
You have to submit self-attested photo copy of caste certificate, an income declaration by the selfemployed parents/guardians, stating definite income from all sources by way of an affidavit on nonjudicial stamp paper. Employed parents/guardians are required to obtain income certificate from their employer and for any additional income from other sources, they would furnish declaration by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper, copy of high school certificate, copy of first page of pass book (showing IFSC code of the Bank & Bank Account Number linked with Aadhaar Number) and Handicap Certificate (if any) along with the print out of the Application. Institute would verify the original certificates & return back to the students.

Whether I have to fill up the online application in one sitting?:
No. You can register by entering your basic details. The system would generate an Applicant-id & password for you. Please note down the generated Applicant-Id & Password. Later you can fill up the online application in as many sittings as you wish, until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application. Once you “Lock” your application, you will not be able to modify further.

Can I edit the information already saved and up to what time?:
You can edit information filled by you, till you “Lock and forward the online application” to the institute.

If the student has entered the following parameters wrongly he/she can register again: –
(1) Name of the student
(2) Father Name
(3) Mother Name
(4) Date of Birth
(5) Religion
(6) Category

Rest of the details the student can edit any number of times. It is worthy to mention here that after temporary rejection of the application of the student by the institute, the student can edit his/her application details and apply again. The student can change his bank account number and email address any time from the options given in his/her login.

What details I have to fill up in Enrollment details of the Application form?:
(i) In the Enrollment Number column enter your Roll No. in the Course/Branch you are enrolled to.
(ii) In the Enrollment Date column enter the Date of Admission in the First year of your enrolled Course/Branch.
(iii) In the Admission Date for which year you are applying for Scholarship column enter the Date of Admission/Re-admission in the Current year of your enrolled Course/Branch. (only in case of Students of First year this date will be same as Enrollment date)

How can I forward the Application to the Institute?:
After completion of entry and final edit(if any), click on “Edit-Lock-Print” option, then on “Lock” to forward the application to the Institute.

Should I apply again for renewal of Scholarship (Registered Applicants)?:

What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the application to the institute?:
You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Scholarship Nodal Officer of your Institute. The institute has to Temporarily reject the application as incomplete application, then the application will be available to the student for editing.

How can I edit the entries, which are not editable at Institute level ?:
If you have to edit certain entries like Institute Name, Course & Branch, annual Income etc. , which are not editable at Institute level, you should request the Scholarship Nodal Officer of your Institute to “temporarily Reject” your application, mentioning the mistakes detected by you. The Application will then be made available at Applicant level, by the software. You can then log-in using provided User-id & password and edit the required details. After editing, lock the application again so that it will be forwarded to the Institute.

What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop-down menu?:
You should immediately approach the institute to contact with the Nodal Officer of the implementing department which in turn will register the institute and map with Sanctioning Authority then it will be accessible to you.

Can I take print-out of my application at any stage?:
Printout of application can be taken with “Barcode”, after locking and forwarding the application which is to be submitted at the Institute.

Whether I have to scan the certificates and upload in the system before forwarding the online application to the institute?:
It is optional. The system has the facility of uploading the scanned copy of the Certificates, like Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, High School Certificate and Handicap Certificate (if any). However, the student has to submit self attested copies of requisite documents with print out/hard copy of application.

What is to be done after submitting the online application?:
After locking and forwarding the application online to the institute, you should take a print out of the application (this would come with a barcode), sign it and submit it at the Institute with requisite documents as specified at Sr. No. 2.

What should I do, if, by mistake, I select and forward my application to a wrong institute ?:
You can approach the concerned institute “Temporarily Reject” your application. On Temporary rejection, the application will be made available to you for editing purpose. You can make correct selection of Institute. Then select the Course and Branch. Lock the application, and forward the application to your Institute.

What should I do, if, by mistake, I select wrong Category and apply for wrong Scheme ?:
You can make fresh registration, by entering the correct category and apply for scholarship under that Scheme. Institute is to be informed about the error, so that there will be a Permanent rejection of your wrong application.

How can I apply for scholarship, if I am a student of Institute, located outside Punjab?:
Download the Application form from “Download” option of the Scholarship Portal. Fill it up and submit the filled up application through the institute to the Head of the implementing department of Punjab State, along with all the requisite documents mentioned at Sr. No.2 . Head of the implementing department will be a Sanctioning Authority in such cases.

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