gjfund.iitm.ac.in Golden Jubilee Alumni Fund Scholarship Scheme : IIT Madras Indian Institutes of Technology

Organization : IIT Indian Institutes of Technology Madras Golden Jubilee Alumni Fund
Scholarship Name : IITM-ALUMNI Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Students of IIT Madras
Institute Location : Chennai

Website : https://www.iitm.ac.in/

IITM-ALUMNI Scholarship Scheme:
A scholarship scheme has been instituted with the support of Alumni and other donors for meritorious and needy students of IIT Madras.

This scheme will:
** Encourage and recognize outstanding students in the areas of academic, co-curricular and leadership qualities
** Attract the best students to IITM
** Support the students having resource constraints to pursue academic programs

The scholarship scheme has been designed to cover the expenses incurred by the student in attending the degree programs at IITM. The cost of attending the B.Tech programme has been estimated at Rs.75000/- per annum including fees, mess charges, books, living expenses and computer. To ensure that the scholarship amount keeps up with inflation, the endowment scheme is designed such that part of the interest earned is ploughed back into the endowment.

Even if a student receives other scholarship(s) he/she will be eligible to receive the alumni scholarship/support subject to the total amount of all scholarships received not exceeding Rs.75,000/- per annum.

Scholarship created by donation of Rs.5,00,000/- and above by the Alumnus will be eligible to be named as per the wish of the donor. Lower amounts will be accepted under the alumni scholarships fund. When adequate amount accumulates to endow the above scholarships, they will be instituted under the name “Alumni Scholarship”, Subject to certain guidelines **

Administration of the Scholarship:
The endowments for the scholarships will be received either directly into the Institute corpus account, or any other account created for this purpose such as IITM Research Foundation or IITM Alumni Charitable Trust.

The Academic Section will be responsible for announcement of the availability of the scholarships and co-ordinating the implementation of the scholarship scheme.

The Office of Alumni Affairs will be responsible for identification of donors and co-ordinating with them regarding channeling the funds, identification of the appropriate scheme in co-ordination with the Academic Section and keeping them updated on the progress in implementation.

Contact Us:
Office of Alumni Affairs,
Room No 323, 2nd Floor, IC&SR Building,
IIT Madras, Chennai-600036.

Phone : +91-44-22578390
Fax     : +91-44-22570545
E-Mail: oaa@iitm.ac.in

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