dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in DCE SSE Sanskrit Scholarship 2015-16 : Directorate of Collegiate Education

Organization : Directorate of Collegiate Education
Scholarship Name : DCE SSE Sanskrit Scholarship 2015-16
Applicable State: Kerala
Application Last Date : 17-11-2015

Website : http://www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in/dce/he_ma/he_maindx.php
Notification https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/3713-Sanskrit.pdf

Sanskrit Scholarship 2015-16:
Eligibility condition :
1. Under Graduate Rs.200/- PM 55 no Post Graduate Rs.200/-PM 25 no
2. Sanskrit must be one of the subject in the present studying course

Update : DCE SSE Sanskrit Scholarship Fresh & Renewal 2018-19 Kerala : www.scholarships.net.in/25920.html

Sanskrit Scholarship Fresh:
Start Date: 17-10-2015
End Date: 17-11-2015

How can I apply online for Scholarship ?:
In order to apply online Please visit the website through URL www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in

Which fields in the application form are mandatory?:
Fields provided with red asterisk mark are mandatory fields

Can I edit the information already saved and up to what time?:
Allows the candidate to edit his/ her personal details related to Online Registration. This feature has restrictions if the application is verified by the Institution.

Which fields in the application form are mandatory?:
Fields provided with red asterisk mark are mandatory fields

What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the applications to the institutes?:
You should intimate the institution regarding the mistakes. The institution can revert the verification status, which allows you to edit the details. Correct the details, take the print out and resubmit the print out to the institution for online verification.

What is Registration ID number:
This will facilitate to authenticate your Identity and will help in avoiding duplication

Can I apply one or more scholarship:
yes, you can apply one or more scholarship

What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop- down menu?:
You should immediately approach the institute to contact Scholarship Office .

What is to be done after submitting the online application ?:
After submitting the application online, you should take a print out of the application, sign and submit it with requisite/supporting documents to your institution.

How to check the status of my application?:
By logging-in with your registration Id ,date of birth and password you can check the status of your application anytime. In the home page, ‘Registered students list’ link also provides the status of your application.

What if I forget my Password:
You can contact the institution, and request for resetting your password

How I can apply one or more scholarship?:
Once you have registered online, you can login with registration ID and select scholarship details and apply for the required scholarship(s).

Can I take print-out of my application at any stage?:
Yes. Do ‘Candidate Login’ and take print out using the link ‘View/ Print Application’

Contact Address:
The Special Officer Scholarships,
Directorate of Collegiate Education,
6th Floor, Vikas Bhavan,
Thiruvananthapuram, 695033

Contact Numbers:
1.Scholarship Office, Department of Collegiate Education : 0471-2306580

Help Desk:
1. 0471-2306580
2. 9446096580

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