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All posts from BEST 2019 Brahmin Entrepreneurship Scheme : Samkshema Parishad

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Organisation : Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP)
Scholarship/Scheme Name : BEST Brahmin Entrepreneurship Scheme of Telangana
Applicable For : Young Entrepreneurs
Applicable State : Telangana
Last Date : 20.09.2019 (Date is Extended)
Website/Apply Online :

TBSP Telangana BEST

Online applications are inviting for all schemes from 14-06-2019 to 20-09-2019. Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad invites applications for BEST Brahmin Entrepreneurship Development of Telangana to provide financial assistance to young entrepreneurs of Brahmin community.

Related : Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad Sri Ramanuja Scheme 2019-20 :

BEST Objective

The objective of the scheme is to help the poorest of the poor among Telangana Brahmin Community. Preference will be given for selection of small unit costs to cover maximum number of beneficiaries.

BEST Eligibility

a) Applicants should be from family belonging to BPL category i.e., Rs.2.00 Lakhs per annum in urban areas and Rs.1.50 Lakh per annum in rural areas.

b) The applicant in proof of BPL category, shall submit appropriate proof preferably Food Security Card obtained from Civil Supplies Department, Government of Telangana and Meeseva Income Certificate.

c) Age 21 to 55 years which is relaxable for up to 60 years for agriculture and allied sectors. There will not be any age limit for the group activities.
d) Employees and students are not eligible for financial assistance under this scheme.

Preference shall be given to :
i) Candidate with higher qualification or requisite qualification required for skill.
ii) Candidates who are trained under any skill improvement programme of the Government or Welfare Corporation either in the current year or earlier.
iii) Beneficiaries who are availing the economic support scheme for the first time.

BEST Online Registration

Just follow the below steps to register for BEST Brahmin Entrepreneurship Scheme of Telangana.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad through provided above.
Step 2 : Read the guidelines carefully and click on the “Registration” link.

Step 3 : Next enter your Aadhaar Number and click on “Submit” button.

Step 4 : After verifying your Aadhaar Number, fill the remaining details.
Step 5 : Upload the necessary documents mentioned below and finally click on Submit button to complete the registration.

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Guidelines :

Documents Required

The applicant should upload the scanned copies (in .pdf format maximum of 250kb size each) of the following documents

** Applicant’s Photo (.jpg format)
** Proposed enterprise photo (.jpg format)
** Caste Certificate from Meeseva
** Income Certificate from Meeseva
** Certificate of Education Qualification
** Applicant Aadhar Card
** Project Profile

Search Application/Download Acknowledgement

Select Scheme and Enter any two fields to download the Acknowledgement

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit official website provided above and click on the “Filled in application form” link.
Step 2 : Select your Scheme Applied [BEST]
Step 3 : Enter Your Application Number [11111]
Step 4 : Enter Your Applicant Name [ARUN]
Step 5 : Enter Your Date of Birth in the format of (DD-MM-YYYY)
Step 6 : Enter Your Mobile Number
Step 7 : Click on “Submit” button

Selection Process

The committee with serving officers from relevant department and Administrator of the Parishad as Member Convener will be constituted for the scrutiny of the application and selection of the beneficiaries. Scrutiny will be made about the reasonableness of unit cost.

Salient Features

Subsidy Amount :

Subsidy Bank Loan / Others
80% (for unit cost upto Rs. 1.00 Lakh) Balance as bank loan / individual contribution.
70% (for unit cost upto Rs. 2.00 Lakh)
60% (Limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs for unit cost from Rs.2.01 Lakh upto Rs.12.00 Lakhs, with the stipulation that, the unit cost should not exceed Rs.12.00 Lakhs)

Terms & Conditions

** The applicant should produce Caste, Income and Nativity / Residence certificates issued by Government of Telangana at the time of selection itself.

** Activities under agriculture, industries, small businesses, service, transport sectors etc., will be provided with this financial assistance.
** As is the practice in other departments, only new Enterprises and Micro Enterprises will be supported.

** The applicants shall submit the project report and the details of expenditure to be incurred out of subsidy amount for launching the project. A brief write-up covering applicants profile, project scope and cost, expected revenues and profits.

** The subsidy will be transferred to the Bank account.
** 33.33% women beneficiaries should be covered in the above scheme at the District level at the time grounding of units.

Add a Comment

  2. pandrangi padmavathi

    how we can verify our application status in best

  3. I have applied for loan in 2018
    Yet not released so far
    How can I access this
    🙏Sir I am poor
    Please help me for this loan 🙏😢😔👆


    Any age ristrictions to apply for this scheme ? (FOR MALE AND FEMALE)

  5. Sravan Kumar kattekola

    Its useful for all kind of BRAHMINS COMMUNITY and i am willing to apply LOAN under provided schemes which is eligible for me

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