BIT Mesra Paramahansa Yogananda Scholarship 2019 : Birla Institute of Technology

Organisation : Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra & Yogoda Satsanga Society Of India
Scholarship Name : Paramahansa Yogananda Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : 1st & 2nd year Students of BIT, Mesra.
Last Date : 15.03.2019
Website :

BIT Mesra Paramahansa Yogananda Scholarship

Like last year, we are pleased to offer the Paramahansa Yogananda Scholarship for the academic year 2018-2019.

Related : BIT Mesra GP Birla Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2019 :

Who Can Apply?

Students of 1st and 2nd year are eligible to receive this Scholarship, provided he/she fulfills the conditions as incorporated in this brochure.

Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Paramahansa Yogananda Scholarship 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website and download the application form from the website.

Step 2 : You can also download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and send in their applications at our ashram address, duly recommended by their Principal.

Exam Details

The examination will be held on Sunday, 17th March, 2019 between 10.00 A. 1.00 P.M. at Yogoda Satsanga Kanya Vidyalaya, Chutia, Ranchi. Candidates are expected to be in their seats at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the test.

You will also appreciate that we would be providing you a Question Bank consisting 15 questions, in advance, out of which only five will be put to you in the competitive test. The competing student shall have to answer all the five questions and each answer should be around 600 words.

Selection Procedure

The recipient of this Scholarship will be selected through a competitive examination to be conducted by our Society on 17th March, 2019 (Sunday) at Yogoda Satsanga Kanya Vidyalaya, Chutia, Ranchi.

The examination will be based on five simple questions from the book AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI written by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952)

Note :
We have given several copies of the book AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI and the detailed INFORMATION LEAFLET regarding the examination to your institution.

These can also be obtained from our ashram on any working day between 9.00 am and 4:30 pm, and on Sundays between 11.00 am and 12.30 pm.

Scholarship Amount

The total amount of Scholarship is Rs 1,25,000, which will be given in four installments. The successful candidate shall get Rs 30,000 soon after the result is announced and will continue to get the balance amount for the next three years in installments, provided his/her academic performance and behavior is certified to be satisfactory by the Principal of the College concerned.

Question Bank

1. What is the goal of life as given in Autobiography of a Yogi? What is the way to achieve that goal?
2. Which chapter in Autobiography of a Yogi you like most. Briefly describe the chapter in your own words and what lessons you have learned from it?
3. “Should God be first or money be first in one’s life?” Answer with reference to “Two Penniless Boys in Brindavan.”

4. How did Mukunda find his Guru? Describe his first meeting with Swami Sri Yukteswarji.
5. Narrate the incident of the cauliflower robbery. What moral have you learned from the story?
6. Is Kriya Yoga scientific? Is it suitable for the modern age? Discuss in detail.

7. How was Mukunda able to bring a change in the life of his brother-in-law?
8. Describe the significant events in the life of Mahavatar Babaji as described in Autobiography of Yogi.
9. How was Rama brought back to life by Lahiri Mahasaya?

10. Give an account of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose’s experiments with ferns, trees, and metals.
11. Narrate the personality of Sri Yukteswar as given in Autobiography of a Yogi.
12. What can we learn from Lahiri Mahasaya’s life?

13. Who was Kashi? How did Sri Yogananda find him after he was born again?
14. What according to Sri Yogananda is the true significance of caste system? Explain.
15. Describe the incidents, which led to Mukunda getting a University Degree.

Last Date

The last date for receipt of application is 15th March 2019. © 2022

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