ksb.gov.in RMEWF Financial Assistance To Orphan Children Of ESM : Kendriya Sainik Board

Organisation : Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB), Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Scholarship Name : RMEWF Financial Assistance To Orphan Children Of ESM
Applicable For : Orphaned child of an ESM
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website : https://online.ksb.gov.in/index.htm

KSB Financial Assistance To Orphan Children Of ESM

This scheme to provide financial assistance to the orphaned children of ESM was started in May 2007 with an amount of Rs 500/- per month for girls and revised in Oct 2011 with Rs 1,000/-pm irrespective of child’s gender.

Related : KSB RMEWF Financial Assistance For Funeral of ESM : www.scholarships.net.in/35553.html


The aim of this aid gratis is to provide a small measure of relief from total penury to an orphaned child of an ESM.

Eligibility Conditions

The following criteria must be fulfilled-
(a) Applicant must be a legitimate offspring of an ESM.
(b) Orphan should be aged below 21 years for son or unmarried daughter.
(c) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the RMEWF Financial Assistance To Orphan Children Of ESM.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of KSB through provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully and click on the “Apply Online” button at the end of the page.

Step 3 : Follow the guideline banner to fill Registration form.
Step 4 : Kindly fill the Part1 and Part2 to get Registered Successfully.

Step 5 : After successfully registration. User will get activation link to his/her email, kindly click on activation link.

Step 6 : After clicking on activation link, A window will appear and by putting your User Name (Login ID) and Pass Word, it will takes you to your dashboard and click on login button and login with login credentials.

Step 7 : After login click on “New Application” and choose the Scholarship Scheme.

Step 8 : Please fill all the boxes which appear in the window in Part-1, Part-2 & Part-3 and Scan all required documents in original and upload legible documents at right place of application.


Application should be made to the KSB Sectt with recommendation of the concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application format is placed at Annexure 1 to this scheme-document.

Copies of following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application-
(a) Service Discharge Book/Document (must have entry regarding child).
(b) Death certificate of both parents.
(c) Dependent I Card issued by concerned ZSB.
(d) Birth Certificate of each orphan.
(e) Certificate from competent authority (for girl) certifying that the girl is not married.
(f) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

Channel of Application

The application must be submitted by an eligible orphan or legal /natural guardian at his or respective ZSB. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and If found correct, will forward it (hard copy as well as in digital format) through respective RSB to the KSB Sectt for payment.

Payment Procedure

After approval of the applications, the same will be processed by Welfare Section for payments. After verifying service particulars of the deceased ESM, name of orphan, bankers IFS Code and account number, the Welfare Section will forward the list to Accounts Section. The payment will be made directly via ECS on a monthly basis.

Financial Assistance

For the eligible Orphan out of AFFDF is provided at a rate of Rs.1000/- per month during the financial year.

Subsequent Grants

The Orphan Grant, once approved by the competent authority,stands for entire duration of the eligibility. But a certificate from the concerned ZSWO that the orphan girl is not married, is required to reach the KSB Sectt by 15 Jan each year so as to continue the grant in the following financial year. In case of orphaned boys, the grant will cease automatically from the month following attainment of 21 years of age.

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Tags ksb.gov.in
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