dst.gov.in SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Scheme 2019-20 : Department of Science & Technology

Organization : Department of Science & Technology
Fellowship Name : SwarnaJayanti Fellowship 2019-20 Scheme
Applicable For : Applicant Possess Ph.D in Science/ Engineering/ Medicine
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : April 30, 2020 (Date is Extended)
Website : https://dst.gov.in/callforproposals/advertisement-swarnajayanti-fellowships-scheme-2019-20

DST SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Scheme

Department of Science & Technology invites applications for SwarnaJayanti Fellowships Scheme for the year 2019-20

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SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Eligibility

** The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals having a regular position in a recognized Indian academic/research organization. The applicant should possess Ph.D in Science/ Engineering/ Medicine and should not be drawing Fellowship from any other Scheme of GOI.

** Scientists should be active in the frontier area of science and engineering with outstanding contributions in the form of research publications and/ or patents, peer recognition from scientific community, awards etc. in his/ her area of research.

** The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India or abroad.
** The scientists from abroad can choose to work at any S&T institution within India

** The institute should also undertake financial and other management responsibilities of the project throughout the five year term in case fellowship is awarded to the scientist.

** The fellowship is open to scientists between 30 to 40 years of age as on December 31, 2019. Applications from candidates who have completed 40 year of age as on or before 31.12.2019 will not be considered.

Duration Of Fellowship

The duration of the fellowship will be for a period not exceeding five years.

SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Online Application

Just follow the below steps to apply for the SwarnaJayanti Fellowships Scheme 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Candidates may log on onlinedst.gov.in from 10-02-2020 to access the home page of the “DST e-PMS Portal”
Step 2 : New User click on “PI Registration” link and fill the required details to complete the registration.

Step 3 : Already registered user can directly login with your Login ID and Password.

Step 4 : After login, fill the remaining details and upload necessary documents to complete the application.
Note : There is no need to send a hard copy.

Notification :

Nature of Support

The support will cover all the requirements for performing the research and will include a fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per month for five years. The fellowship will be provided in addition to the salary they draw from their parent Institution.

In addition to fellowship, grants for equipments, computational facilities, consumables, contingencies, national and international travel and other special requirements, if any, will be covered based on merit.

Scientists selected for the award will be allowed to pursue unfettered research with a freedom and flexibility in terms of expenditure as approved in the research plan. The project should contain innovative research idea and it should have a potential of making impact on R&D in the discipline.

SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Last Date

The last date for submission of applications is extended till April 30, 2020 by 23.59 hrs

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags dst.gov.in
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