IIM Ranchi Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019 : Indian Institute of Management

Organisation : IIM Ranchi Indian Institute of Management
Fellowship Name : Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019
Applicable For : Ph.D. Degree Students
Last Date : March 22, 2019
Website : https://www.iimranchi.ac.in/?page_id=11197

IIM Ranchi Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Indian Institute of Management Ranchi invites applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowship for the year 2019

Related : IIM Ranchi Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/35125.html


Its objective is to support high quality research by scholars with a doctoral degree and an outstanding academic record.

Up to five fellowships would be made available per year. The fellowships are granted for an initial period of one year, which can be extended by another year subject to satisfactory performance in the first year.

PDF Eligibility

** Applicants must have a consistently good academic record and demonstrated research potential. and
** Candidates with a Ph.D. Degree or who have submitted their thesis for Ph.D degree may also apply. The thesis must be in appropriate discipline. and

** The age limit for applicants for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be a maximum of 40 years (this limit may be relaxed by 5 years for women and reserved category).

Areas Of Specialization

** Accounting & Finance
** Economics
** General Management (includes Business Communication, Business Ethics)
** Information Systems
** Marketing Management
** Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
** Operations Management
** Strategic Management

PDF Apply Online

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of IIM Ranchi through provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully and click on “Apply Online” button

Step 3 : Enter your Email address and password for registration.
Step 4 : After complete your registration, you have to login with your registered email id and password.

Step 5 : Next fill your Personal Information, Academic Details, Upload Photo & Signature and Make Payment details to complete the application.


Please read the following instructions carefully before applying.
** The application fee for SC/ST/PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (PWD as per the Govt. Act) applicants are Rs. 500/-. For others, the application fee is Rs. 1000/-.

** Candidates are advised to carefully fill the online application as no changes will be permitted after clicking on SUBMIT button.
** Uploading Photo and Signature is mandatory (Max. size for photo 500KB & Max. size for signature 200KB) in .jpg, .jpeg & .png format only.

** Take One (01) printout of the submitted application form.
** Only selected candidates will be informed and no further communication will be entertained.

** Carry the Application printout along with all relevant documents when called for interview.
** Avoid using special characters such as single or double quotes ( ‘ or “”) etc, while filling the online Application Form.

** In case of any technical issue, while submitting the Online Application Form, contact admissions.it [AT] iimranchi.ac.in
** In case of any other queries, contact office.fpm [AT] iimranchi.ac.in


** Each selected Research Fellow would receive a grant of approximately Rs. 50,000 per month.
** Contingency Grant – A contingency grant of Rs. 50,000 per annum will be provided to the post- doctoral research fellow for research purposes.

** The IIM Ranchi would pay the expenses for a fellow to attend one conference abroad from an approved list of conferences if their joint paper with a resident faculty member is accepted for presentation at that conference.

** Office space will be provided to post-doctoral research fellows along with a computer and printer. They will be issued special research library card, enabling them to borrow up to ten books from the library at a time.

** A post-doctoral research fellow will be eligible for leave from the fellowship not exceeding 30 days in a year for each completed year of the fellowship. The leave can be availed on a pro-rata basis for the duration (on a 6 months’ basis) of the fellowship completed.


** Selection will be based on demonstrated research skills and a fit with the research interests of resident faculty. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to campus to present their research before a final decision is made.

** Past research I Ph.D. thesis work demonstrating potential for scholarly work would facilitate the initial shortlist process.
** The shortlisted candidates will be invited for on-campus presentation and interview.

** The candidates selected for the PDFM will be attached to the given area and will be associated with a faculty member of the group who will essentially perform the role of a mentor and collaborator.

** Selection will be based on demonstrated research skills and a fit with the research interests of resident faculty.

Application Last Date

Last date to apply online is 22nd March, 2019.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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