STICERD Sir Ratan Tata Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019-20 : LSE India Observatory

Organisation : LSE India Observatory
Fellowship Name : Sir Ratan Tata Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2019-20
Applicable For : PhD Students
Application Last Date : 29th April 2019
Website :

STICERD Sir Ratan Tata Post-Doctoral Fellowship

The Sir Ratan Tata Post-doctoral Fellowship is for a period of six months during each academic year, based at the LSE India Observatory.

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The Fellow is expected to engage in social science research broadly on the Economy and Society in India and South Asia with a particular focus on any of the following themes, such that it is integrated with the ongoing research of the India Observatory

** Sustainable growth and inclusion
** Climate change and environmental sustainability
** Social and human security
** Governance and democracy

The Fellow is expected to finish a research paper of publishable quality during their stay and make a presentation at a seminar arranged by the India Observatory. The selected candidate should have secured all data and any material required for the research prior to their visit to LSE.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should have been awarded their PhD – the fellowship is not intended for students registered for a degree or diploma, nor is it intended for senior academics.

Applicants should be early career researchers working on social science with a focus on South Asia. Applicants should be employed with established institutions in the SAARC region which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The Fellowship is open to candidates residing in South Asia, that is, the SAARC region.

How to Apply?

Applications should be addressed to: The Fellowships Selection Committee, India Observatory, London School of Economics & Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK, and submitted by email as a Word or PDF document to

Applications should include
** a cover letter of no more than one page;
** a curriculum vitae of no more than three pages;
** an outline of proposed research (including detailed methodology and time line) of no more than three pages;
** and the names and addresses of two referees, familiar with their research, to be contacted by the Committee.

Fellowship Amount

The Fellow will receive a monthly subsistence allowance of up to £1,750 a month, and will also be provided with shared work space and access to research facilities at the School.

Assistance will also be provided towards the cost of travel and related expenses. No additional grant is available for fieldwork or any other costs.

Application Last Date

The final date for receipt of applications is Monday 29th April 2019. Late applications will not be accepted. The successful candidate will be informed of the decision by the end of July 2019.

Sir Ratan Tata Fellows

2018-19 Dr Soundarya Iyer

Topic: Lived experiences of land reforms in Karnataka

2017-18 Dr Abodh Kumar, Central University of South Bihar

Topic: Slums – Settled Settlement in Cities in Transition

2016-17 Dr Anwar Sadat, Indian Society of International Law, Delhi

Topic: Constraints and Opportunities in Designing Emissions Trading in India – An Exploration of Feasibility of Launching Emissions Trading in Gujarat

2015-16 Dr Shalina Mathew, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Topic: To Work or not to Work – Labour Market Vulnerabilities and ‘Adverse Inclusion’ among Women in Kerala, India

2014-15 Dr Saswata Ghosh, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata

Topic: Exploring Routes to Second Demographic Transition in Kolkata District of West Bengal, India.

2013-14 Dr Uzma Hanif, Forman Christian College, Lahore

Topic: Climate Governance – A Case Study of Indus River Basin of Pakistan – People, Agriculture and Renewable Energy Resources. © 2022

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