Google India Conference & Travel Scholarship 2019

Organisation : Google India
Scholarship Name : Google Conference & Travel Scholarships 2019
Applicable For : Indian Students
Application Last Date : 05.02.2019
Website :

Google Conference & Travel Scholarship

Applications are invited for Google Conference & Travel Scholarships for the year 2019

Related / Similar Scholarship : Google India Generation Scholarship 2021

To help break down the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups in technology and business from attending leading conferences, we’re excited to offer Google Conference and Travel Scholarships for selected conferences in the tech industry and related fields.


To encourage attendance at technical conferences, Google will provide selected recipients
** Free conference registration
** An award in the range of 1,000 – 3,000 USD that will cover conference registration, travel, accommodation and other related expenses

Google Travel Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for a scholarship to attend a conference in India, applicants must
** Be a student enrolled with a recognized university in India who is in need of conference travel funds.

** Have a paper accepted at a top-tier top-tier computer science conference. The paper must be accepted for full publication and preferably full oral presentation. We prefer to support conferences in research areas where Google has a strong interest. Please visit for a list of areas.

As an indicator, we have recently approved travel scholarships for CVPR, NIPS, CHI, STOC, PLDI, COLT, ICML, CIKM, KDD, ICCV, EMNLP, ACL, Interspeech and FSE.

** Be the primary author of the accepted paper.
** Have a paper accepted for oral presentation in the main conference program. Some conferences may have different presentation guidelines in which case the equivalent of a conventional full oral presentation must be considered. Workshop papers will not be approved for travel scholarships.

Google Travel Scholarship Application

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Google Conference & Travel Scholarships 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of Build your future with Google through provided above.
Step 2 : Then read the instructions carefully before you are applying.

Step 3 : Scholarship eligibility varies by region, so please review the information on the region-specific tabs on the top.

Step 4 : Next click on the “Application Form” link in that page.
Step 5 : Fill the application form with the required details and finally click on the “Submit” button

Claim Process

We review applications every week, all year round, therefore you will get our reply within ten days. Once approved for a travel scholarship, the funds will be paid to the applicant’s university and the student may claim expenses using regular university procedures.

About Scholarship :
At Google, we believe a diversity of attributes, experiences, and perspectives are needed to build tools that can change the world. Everyone deserves an opportunity to pursue connections in the industry, networking with peers, and a career path in technology.

Scholarships will be awarded to the most qualified persons based on application review. Every applicant will be notified of their status according to the time frames specified for the region.


For any questions, please reach out to research-in [AT]

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