CARPE India Prakriti Research Fellowship 2019 :

Organisation : Centre For Applied Research & People’s Engagement
Fellowship Name : Prakriti Research Fellowship 2019
Applicable For : Research Students
Application Last Date : 28.02.2019
Website :

CARPE India Prakriti Research Fellowship

Centre For Applied Research & People’s Engagement invites applications for Prakriti Research Fellowship 2019

Related : SFP IITM Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 :

The Prakriti Research Fellowship is a small grants program focused on creating direct, tangible, long-term impact on nature conservation in India.


a) to provide timely support for strengthening on-ground action-oriented nature conservation projects
b) to support independent researchers, teams, and small NGOs who are dedicatedly working in this field

Prakriti Fellowship Eligibility

** We are looking for applications from independent researchers and small NGOs, especially self-motivated, passionate researchers and small conservation groups.
** The applicant must be an Indian national.

Prakriti Fellowship Application

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Prakriti Research Fellowship 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of CARPE India provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully and click on the “Apply for Prakriti Research Fellowship” link.

Apply Here : Apply for Prakriti Research Fellowship

Step 3 : Fill the applications form with your Applicant’s details, Project details and Other Important Information
Step 4 : Finally click on the “Submit” button to complete your application


Applications are invited under two categories which are based on the geographical location of the projects, while the themes are the same for both the categories.

Category One : Projects located in Aurangabad division of Maharashtra ( which includes Aurangabad, Nanded, Beed, Jalna, Latur, Hingoli, Parbhani and Osmanabad districts).

Category Two : Projects located across India , except Aurangabad division


Themes are the same for both category one and category two
1) Conservation of important habitats (e.g. UNESCO Natural World heritage sites, Protected Areas – National parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves, Community Reserves, Marine Protected Areas, Biosphere reserves, threatened and neglected habitats such as grasslands and freshwater systems).

2) Conservation of Threatened Species (Wildlife Protection Act Schedule 1 species)(IUCN Red list categories: CR, EN, VU, NT, Data deficient).
3) Research and action in Urban Ecology- Most Indian cities are facing an environmental crisis of various scales and dimensions.

Fellowship Amount

Maximum of Rs. 2 lakh per project. One candidate/organization can apply for one fellowship only. Project duration: Maximum of one year

Prakriti Fellowship Last Date

Last date to submit the application is 28 February 2019


1. How long will it take to announce the selected projects?
The decision of the reviewers will be communicated to every applicant via email within 3 months after the final submission date. In case you do not hear from us after this period, you can drop us an email.

2. Can I apply again if my application is rejected?
Applicant can only apply for funding for a single project in one call for proposal. If rejected, a new application can be submitted in the following call.

3. What projects will not be funded?
** No litigation/activism will be funded.
** Participation for conferences, workshops, and expeditions will not be funded

4. How is the fellowship concluded?
The reviewers will give comments on your final report. After working on comments, the fellows will need to come to Aurangabad to present their results, and submit the final report to the sponsor and CARPE to complete the fellowship. Sponsorship to cover travel and accommodation costs will be provided on a need-basis.


If you still have a query you can write to us at < info [AT] >

Categories Fellowship/Grants

View Comments (1)

  • Since yesterday, I am trying to send the fellowship proposal but unable to send. Kindly suggest the another email (or) the other way. © 2022

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