NITH Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2018-19 : National Institute of Technology Hamirpur

Organisation : National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Scholarship Name : Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : 4th Year B.Tech/B.Arch/B.Tech Students
Application Last Date : 08/02/2019
Website :

NITH Merit-cum-Means Scholarship

National Institute of Technology Hamirpur invites applications for Merit-cum-Means Scholarship for the year 2018-19

Related : Times and Trends Academy Meri Pehchaan Scholarship 2019 :

MCM Eligibility

Applications are invited for Fresh/Renewal of Merit-cum-Means Scholarship from the students of 4th year on wards of B.Tech/B.Arch/B.Tech (Dual) Degree Course of this Institute.

MCM Application Procedure

The eligible students just follow the below steps to apply for the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of National Institute of Technology Hamirpur through provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the Institute website or collect the same from the office of the undersigned on all working days

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and the duly filled-in forms complete in all respect along with required supporting documents should reach in the office of undersigned.

Application Format

Fill the application form with the following details,
1. Name of student (in block letter)
2. Roll No.
3. Branch
4. Category
5. Father’s name in full
6. Occupation of Father/guardian
7. Occupation of Mother
8. Address of father/guardian
i) Permanent
ii) Present
9. i) SBI-Bank Account No. & IFS Code
ii) Aadhaar No.

10. In case father is not alive, the full name of guardian and his relation with the student. (Normally if the father is alive), the guardianship, except on legal grounds will not be accepted

11. Total annual income of the family (Father/Guardian & other earning members) from all sources

Note :
Attach an income certificate to this effect from the concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate / Executive Magistrate/Tehsildar This certificate is to be furnished by all even in case where parents etc. are employed. Employer’s certificate in this regard may not be considered.

12. Student Academic Record (Attached self attested photocopies of certificates)
Note : Any break in educational career should be indicated in the remarks column with reasons.

13. Whether the student is already in receipt of any assistance such as scholarship/stipend etc. if so value of scholarship and source of sanction be indicated (the date from which being received should be stated in each case.)
14. Whether the student has applied for any assistance/ concession, If so, the details may please be given

Scholarship Amount

Category I :

Amount of Scholarship Income Criterion Qualification Criterion
Rs.300/- per month for twelve months with full exemption of tuition fee Having parents’ income from all sources not more than Rs.50,000/- p.a. 6.75 CGPI on 10-point scale*
Category-II (in case of non-availability of students under Category I)
Rs.200/- per month for twelve months with 50% exemption of tuition fee Having parents’ income from all sources not more than Rs.50,000/- p.a. but less than Rs.2 lakhs. 8.00 CGPI on 10-point scale*

* candidates must have passed the qualifying examination (last two semesters) in 1st attempt.

Note :
The merit of students shall be determined on the basis of relevant SGPI/CGPI.

Last Date

Last date to submit the application form for Merit-cum-Means Scholarship is 08/02/2019. No application will be entertained after due date.

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