WISDOM Mathematics & Science Scholarship Exam Hall Ticket 2019 : wisdomscholarship.org

Organisation : WISDOM Educational Foundation
Announcement : Download Hall Ticket 2019
Scholarship Name : Mathematics & Science Scholarship Examination 2019
Applicable For : Students of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th standards
Exam Date : 3rd February, 2019 (For Science), 10th February, 2019 (For Maths)
Applicable State : Maharashtra
Website : http://wisdomscholarship.org/wef/

WISDOM Scholarship Exam Hall Ticket

Please print the ticket and take the copy with you to your examination hall.

Related / Similar Post : WISDOM Mathematics & Science Scholarship 2020

Appearing for this exam clears the basic concepts of mathematics, develop the ability to think faster and make quicker mental calculations.

How to Download?

Just follow the below steps to download your hall ticket,

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of WISDOM Educational Foundation provided above.
Step 2 : Then click on the “Download Hall Ticket” link in the home page.

Step 3 : Next Enter Your First Name [Arjun]
Step 4 : Enter Your Last Name [Kumar]
Step 5 : Select your subject [Mathematics]
Step 6 : Enter Your Birth Date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy
Step 7 : Finally click on the “Show Hall Ticket” button

Exam Center

Akola (01), Amravati (02), Aurangabad (03), Buldhana (05), Chandrapur (06), Nagpur (07), Nanded (08), Nasik (09), Pune (10), Sangli (11), Satara (12), Ahmednagar (17), Beed (18), Parbhani (21), Akot (23), Washim (24), Mention center code (written in brackets) on application form.


** Students will not be allowed for the examination without a Hall ticket.
** Students must reach the examination center at least 30 minutes prior to examination time.

** Students will be disqualified from the examination if found copying or if the paper is found to be copied and detected while checking.
** Students should not make any request for change of date or time of the examination or change in standard or medium of examination before or at the time of examination.

Before writing a paper :
** Fill your name , standard , seat number, school code, center code and date in the field provided on OMR answer sheet
** Seat Number is to be denoted by dark circles and also to be written in the blocks provided

** Get your paper signed by the supervisor.
** Students should use blue or black ball pen to dark the circles on the OMR Sheet.
** Sample OMR Sheet is uploaded on website. Also read instructions given on OMR Sheet.

** Dark the circle of the correct option on OMR sheet of respective question number.
** Blank page is to the question paper for rough work. Students are advised to do their rough work with pencil so that the same page can be reused.

** Mathematics question paper is of 100 marks to be solved in 90 minutes.
** Each question carries 2 marks.
** Science question paper is of 100 marks to be solved in 70 minutes.
** Each question carries 1 mark.
** Do not fold your OMR Sheet or write anything on the sheet except darkening of circles.

Scholarships, Medals & Prizes

Scholarships will be awarded to first 100 meritorious students of each standard. The scholarship amounts will be
** 1st Rs. 2000 6th Rs. 700 11th to 25th Rs.200 each
** 2nd Rs. 1500 7th Rs. 600 26th to 50th Rs.150 each
** 3rd Rs. 1200 8th Rs. 500 51st to 75th Rs.125 each
** 4th Rs. 1000 9th Rs. 400 76th to 100th Rs.100 each
** 5th Rs. 800 10th Rs. 300


1. Where can we get the WEF books?
You can order the books either through your schools or your tuition class teachers. You can also order the books to be delivered directly to your correspondence address by sending a DD with additional postage of Rs.50/- over and above the cost the set of three books of Rs.260/- making the entire cots Rs.310/- per standard.

2. Can we use spare paper for rough work in the exam hall?
No. Spare paper is not allowed though you can use the empty space on the question paper and the space provided on the answer paper for rough work.

3. Are there any other books that can be used for extra practice?
It is not necessary to use any other books apart from WEF set of books. The WEF question appear set contains 15 question papers having 40-42 problems each. So, more than 600 problems can be solved using the set. That should provide enough practice for any student.

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