MSCE Pune NMMS 2019-20 Result National Means cum Merit Scholarship Exam :

Organization : Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune
Announcement : NMMS Exam Final Results 2019-20
Scholarship Name : National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination
Applicable State : Maharashtra
Correction Last Date : 31.01.2020
Check Result Here :

MSCE Pune NMMS Result

Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune has announced the results of National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination NMMS 2019-20.

Related / Similar Post : MSCE Pune NTS Result 2019-20

How to Check the Result?

Just follow the simple steps below to view the result of NMMS 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Next, Enter your 13 Digit Seat Number and Click Show result button

Step 3 : The student result will be displayed as shown below.

School-wise Result

Step 4 : Enter Your 11 Digit School UDISE code and Click Show Result button

Step 5 : School wise student list will be displayed as follows and click the download button to download your result.

District-wise Caste-wise Selection List

Step 1 : Select Your District
Step 2 : Select Your Caste

Step 3 : District-wise Caste-wise Selection List will be displayed as shown below and Click on the “Print/Download” button to download your result.

NMMS Cut-off Marks

In order to pass the exam, both the subjects must get the marks as mentioned below.

A. No. Medium Intellectual ability test (MAT) question number School Capacity Test (SAT) Question No Total points Merit
General / VJ / NTB / NTC /
For SC / ST and Divinity
2) Marathi, Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Telugu, Kannada 81 90 171 5% 5%
2) English 77 90 167

Note :
** Questions in MAT (Marathi, Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Telugu, Kannada) 1,3,3,3,9,4,5,9,9 Questions have been rejected.
** QUESTION NO. 1,3,3,3,9,3,4,8,3,3,9,9 The questions have been rejected.

Selection Process

1. 11,682 Scholarship Quota for State of Maharashtra for NMMS Examination M.H.R.D. New Delhi.
2. On the reservation of the State of Maharashtra, students belonging to the respective classes are selected.
3. Also, related category includes 5% reservation for daycare.

4. Separate etc. for all districts. 4th and 4th Districtwise quota has been fixed on the basis of the number of students in grades VII and the number between the ages of 8 and 8.
5. Eligibility Points – For both MAT and SAT subjects, 5% marks should be obtained for GEN, VJ, NTB, NTC, NTD, OBC, SBC and 5% for SC, ST and handicapped students.

6. The quota for each district has been fixed as follows.
1. Firstly, the eligible students belonging to the general category are selected.
2. The students who are followed by the qualification are included in the list of those (1) special category students.
3. The number of students selected in the general list in that category is not considered while listing in the special category.

4. A total of 5% reservation should be given for divinity in each category (a), (b) and (c) 5% reservation for each and (d), (e) for each.
(a) Blindness and low vision: (BLV)
(b) Deaf and hard of hearing: (DH)
(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy: (LD)
(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness: (AID)
(e) Multiple Disabilities from persons under clauses (a) to (d) including Deaf blindness in the Posts identified for each Disabilities: (DH)

5. The number of students available in that category is taken into consideration when fixing a disability reservation. If 5% reservation is not fulfilled then Divine Reservation Opportunity is given in multiples instead of the last number required in the quality list.

6. Students of the same class are selected in all cadre while giving reservation for the disabled. As well as the remaining students with the highest score, the next qualifying students are selected.

7. When selecting a total of 2 handicapped students, the two qualifying students of the two different categories (one each) are selected, with the next multiplication being the maximum score of the different 4 category groups.

8. When selecting a handicapped student, any one of the handicapped students in different categories is selected in different categories.
9. Districts that have not met census-based quota The quota of such districts is given to the quality students in the state

10. If the last two or more students have the same score, the priority is set in the following order.
a) A student whose score is higher in MAT paper should be given priority.
b) If the MAT paper has the same marks which have higher marks in mathematics in SAT paper then preference should be given to the student.
c) If the SAT paper has the same marks in mathematics, the student whose score is higher in science should be given preference.

d) A student whose age is higher should be given preference in Mathematics and Science in SAT paper.
e) If the age is the same, the preference should be given to the student according to the English update of the surname.

11. Distribution of scholarships to selected students for the scholarship The school principal, education officer (medium) and M / s. Education is done through the directors (middle and upper middle).

View Comments (4)

  • Dear Sir / Madam

    I would like to request you to please update the status of scholarship disbursement of NMMS Exam of 2019 -2020.

    My Daughter - Namely - Tanvi Ganesh Gangurde - passed this Exam and details as below -

    Seat No. E33920310XXXX
    School UDICE Code is - 2720160XXXX

    Waiting for your valuable reply.

  • I had passed NMMMS scholarship at 2017-18 but till now I have not received a single one . I am from Parbhani district please help me . I need money for my higher education . © 2022

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