ugc.ac.in 2015-16 & 2016-17 Selected Candidates under Emeritus Fellowship Scheme : University Grants Commission

Organization : University Grants Commission
Scholarship Result : Selected Candidates under Emeritus Fellowship Scheme 2015-16 & 2016-17
Location : New Delhi
Download Award Letter : https://www.ugc.ac.in/

UGC Emeritus Fellowship Scheme Selection list

Selected Candidates under Emeritus Fellowship Scheme 2015-16 & 2016-17

Related / Similar Post : UGC Emeritus Fellowship 2017-18

Candidate List

1. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6228 Dr N B Singh
2. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7234 Ajit Kumar Singh
3. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8475 Aaron Premnath Lipton
4. EMERITUS-2015-17-SC-6627 M. Arumugam
5. EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-7645 Mohamed Abdul Kader N. A
6. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5623 Chanchal Kumar Mitra
7. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6458 Mandali Venkateswara Rao
8. EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7280 Muthangi V V Subramanyam
9. EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-7505 P. Gunasekaran
10 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5478 Rabindra Nath Chattopadhyay
11 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8112 Ravi Parkash
12 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6074 S.Seeta Ram Rao
13 EMERITUS-2015-16-GEN-5220 Shridhar Pandharinath Patil
14 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7594 U.C. Srivastava
15 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8499 Satya Dev Kaushik
16 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC- 7787 S. Govindarajan
17 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7288 Chamarthi Naga Raju
18 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-7410 K. J. Rajendra Prasad
19 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5905 Kalidas Sen
20 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC- 7616 P.Thomas Muthiah
21 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7145 Ranjana S.Khanna
22 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7791 S.Muthusubramanian
23 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5524 Valluri Durga Kumari
24 EMERITUS-2015-17-SC-8298 Balla Appa Rao
25 EMERITUS-2015-17-SC-5952 D. B. R. N. K. Benarjee
26 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5775 Dabbiru Venkata Giri
27 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8257 Ganpat Lal Malodia
28 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6382 Gorrela Veera Venkata Vijayakumar
29 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7807 Mangaldas Kalidas Patel
30 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8129 Nune Subba Rao
31 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6288 Som Deo
32 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-8581 G. Sathyanarayana
33 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-6432 Gudena Ramachandrudu
34 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-5674 Hansraj Pal
35 EMERITUS-2015-17-SC-7521 Koramati Peda Subba Rao
36 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6314 Dipankar Biswas
37 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5818 M Rajagopalachary
38 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-8402 A. J. A.Ranjitsingh
39 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7886 Brahma Dutt Tripathi
40 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-5862 Gurijala Ramakrishna Naidu
41 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7860 Murali Dhar Vemuri
42 EMERITUS- 2015-17-OBC- 6391 S. A. Abbasi
43 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7094 Marie Pierre Augustin
44 EMERITUS-2015-17-SC-6565 Gummadi Veerraju
45 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-8270 Swarnalata Das
46 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7559 Kakani Nageswara Rao
47 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-7516 Y. Yagama Reddy
48 EMERITUS-2015-17-GEN-6223 B. Basavalingu
49 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-6109 Purnananda Behera
50 EMERITUS-2015-17-OBC-8224 Bhagirath Brahmbhatt

Selected Candidates List : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/3418-Notice.pdf

Search Your Result

To Check your result please enter the following details,
Step 1 : Enter your Candidate Registration Id [Eg. 1234]
Step 2 : Enter your Date of Birth (dd/MM/yyyy)
Step 3 : Enter your Email-ID [abc@gmail.com]
Step 4 : Select your Academic Year [2016-17]
Step 5 : Enter the Below Code
Step 6 : Click Show Result button

Nature of Assistance

The number of slots available under the scheme is 100 for Science streams and 100 for Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages (total 200 slots) at any one given time basis.

The assistance available under the scheme is :
1. Honorarium of Rs. 31,000/- p.m. for two years (non-extendable)

2. Contingency grant of Rs. 50,000/- p.a. towards secretarial assistance, travel within the country connected with the research project, stationery, postage, consumables, books and journals and equipments.

3. Foreign visit in connection with the approved research work of the awardee will be limited to once in a year with the prior approval/no-objection of the Institution/University where the project work is being undertaken along with that of UGC. This will be further subject to no financial liability on the part of UGC.

4. The expenditure would be accounted for audit by the university department concerned like any other departmental expenditure. The Emeritus Fellow would be entitled to such other privileges including medical facilities as available to the university faculty members, but not housing.

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View Comments (128)

  • I have got 70.40% at 12. Can I get Ishan Uday scholarship (or) not? It is very important to me. I really need this scholarship. I have not received any scholarship yet.

  • I am from Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Our college doesn't register with the UGC along with they Canara bank till now. The college has sent the mail but there was no reply from the UGC office. So far we can't get the link. I want to know the reason why it took so long to get the link.

  • When will we get the scholarship? Please update any news about it like let us know what's going on. Its almost 2 years and still waiting for it.

  • I got the awardee letter and I went to my college for submitting my documents but they said, they have not received any information about this things. What shall I do now?

  • I got the award letter of 2016-17 but my college couldn't register it. Its asking user ID in capital and password, while putting that its showing incorrect email ID. Please help

  • I am selected for the Ishan Uday scholarship 2016-17. But till now I am not able to download my award letter. When I search my result it comes as "your application is under process". When will I get my award letter?

  • My name was selected in the merit list as I able to score 86 % in my HSLC and I submitted my application correctly. Tell me if I will get award letter from UGC. My id is NER-ASS-GEN-2016-17-186690 & DOB is 16/04/1996.

  • I am from Assam. I got selected for Ishan Uday scholarship 2016-17. But I am not able to download my award letter. But still I did not get my award letter. The result is showing as "Registration ID /DOB is not valid."

    I belong to very poor family. I am the only working person in the house. So please give me scholarship.
    ID :NER-ASS-OBC-2016-17-207529
    H.S Exam marks :404(80.8)
    Date of birth :21/04/1997
    Father's name :SARUKON SAIKIA.
    Mother's name :ALPANA SAIKIA.

    Please check my result and enable me to get the award letter very soon.

    • I got selected for Ishan Uday Scholarship 2016-17. My registration ID is NER-ASS-OBC-2016-17-206785. When will you give my award letter?

  • I didn't receive scholarship since October 2016 while my friends did. I don't know what is wrong I went several times to the bank to confirm they showed me that it is accepted but not signed by the autority of UGC. Please help me my scholarship ID is NER-ASS-2015-16-111382.

  • I applied rank holder scholarship in the year 2015-16. I was not selected my score was good. Is there any chance of getting this scholarship in future?

  • Ishan Uday has gained only 50% success because it is failed to provide money properly. Please don't play with the students otherwise they will face lots of problem.

  • I'm a selected student of this Ishan Uday scholarship (UGC). I am studying Geography(hons.). And I'm very happy and thankful to the management of this scholarship. But one thing I want to request is that as this scholarship is for the purpose of helping the students in their academic studies and for the development of higher education in northeastern part of India. But the amount is not deposited in the students bank account on time, as the amount is not given on time. Sometime we cannot buy the study material on time. So the scholarship is being useless. It is for study purpose and it should be for the study purposes.


  • I am 3rd year student from Manipur. I have got 72% in XII exam. Am I eligible to apply for Ishan uday scholarship?

  • By mistake I have uploaded wrong document. So how can I replace the right documents for ishan uday scholarship for north eastern?

  • What is going on with ugc Ishan udhay scheme? Some candidates got the scholarship amount regularly but I don't. Whether the continuation form that I submitted been not submitted properly by the bank?

  • I got 5400/- on June but after my submitted of renewal I haven't get money. One week ago,my classmates are also selected and they get 32000-40000. What is the problem of UGC to give the scholarship properly?
    BA 3rd sem.GU

  • Standard:BSc 1st year,DM college,Manipur.
    When will UGC form available online for the academic session 2016-17? I secured 77.4% in my 12th examination this year. Am I eligible for scholarship? I hope UGC scholarship will help in my further study in general course and I belong to OBC class and I'm a DM college student of Manipur. Please inform me when form will gonna available online.

  • I am a batch of 2015-2016 and I got first installment and again I have submitted the continuation form three times but I did not get my scholarship till now. Its been a month passed. When will I get my scholarship?

  • I haven't applied for UGC in my first year and now I am going to be in second year. Can I still apply for it? And I am ST.

  • Last month 10500 was credited in my account (june)but till now there is no crediting of any amount in my account. So is it that I will be availing only that amount of scholarship?

  • Can any one tell me how to get rgnf scholarship 2017?
    Application starting date : July 15 on wards. But it is not available in net. Please inform.

  • I passed H.S.S.L.C in 2015 with 77.2 % in science stream. I am now studying B.Sc with physics honours. Last year I applied but not selected .Will I be able to apply again?

  • I am the scholarship holder of 2014 but now its have been stopped before the full duration of 3years.

  • Some people says that ishan uday scholarship stopped and doesn't provide. Is it true or not?

    • Yes. It is Stopped providing scholarship because it's totally worth less, student utilizing this money on meaning less works.

  • I got selected for "National fellowship for ST higher education" 2015-2016. Received award letter in the month of April. But my institution is not registered with 12B and 2f act. Just now applied for that act. Whether I get fund from this selected fellowship? Kindly let me know.

    • Last year it was 74.6%.
      Looking at this years' 12th result, it seems like the cutoff would be around 80+%.
      If you got 80+% then don't worry. But if you have scored lesser than 75% then please don't apply for the scholarship . All your money (around 200 INR) will be a waste.
      Best of luck.

  • I got my award letter and then submitted all the documents in my nearer bank and I haven't got the scholarship till now. All my friends already got their scholarships.

  • I am single girl child pursuing Ph.D. in the Department of Mathematics in the reputed University. Can I apply for the Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Research Scholarships for Social Sciences?

  • For students whose XII results have just been declared, is there any time for receiving application? What are the requirements for receipt of scholarship? Where to send the application and documents?

  • I am a B.A 2nd sem student. I have selected for this UGC scholarship 2015-16. Furthermore, I got the award later and have submitted all proper documents in the Canara bank. But yet I'm not paid the money by the Canara bank.
    I want to know that, when I'll get this money?

  • I am B.Sc. 2nd year students and I am Selected for the ishan uday Scholarship 2015-16. I received the award letter. Someone told me that the 2nd year students will not get this scholarship. Please tell me.

  • I am student of Medical College,and also first year.
    I have already selected for Ishan uday scholarship session 2015-16, but my admission was in Nov.2014.
    And my first year course is about 18 months. Till I am first year but bank refuse my documents.

  • I am a 2nd year B.Sc nursing student. I have been selected for the scholarship and had received the award letter. After submitting all the documents the bank refused to credit the amount. Please let me know about this in details.

  • I am a B.Sc 2nd year student. I am a selected student of Ishan Uday scholarship of 2015-2016. I receive award letter. I am also listening that the 2nd year student does not get this scholarship. So,please gives reply about this. Why?

  • I am B.Sc 2nd year and my name is selected for the Ishan Uday Scholarship and as well as Opening a Bank Account for the same.B ut Bank refused to credit the scholarship Amount. Kindly let us know the details of the same.

  • I already got the 2015 scholarship. So now I want to submit the form for 2016. What are all should be required for this?

  • When will you upload the letter of selected professors for emeritus fellowship scheme(2016-17)?
    My ID:Emeritus-2015-16-GEN-7357
    DOB:9th Oct.1952

  • I am a student of Bsc 2nd year in 2015-2016 session. I am selected to ishan uday scholarship. Here I am listening that 2nd year student doesn't get this scholarship. But in case of 2014-2015 session we know that some 2nd year get this result. So please tell me about that.

    • I am a selected student to ishan uday scholarship and I read b.a 2nd year but why not received scholarship second year student?

  • I am having my B.A degree course under Dibrugarh university affiliated to UGC. I have applied for UGC ishan uday scholarship. My H.S percentage is 89 and my Father's income is lesser than 3 lakh. Why didn't I avail the scholarship when ally other friends having only 70% did..is it because I belong to general or the scholarship is given by lottery selection. I am very disappointed and I think selection process needs reformation. It must be based on merit. Because for rich it doesn't matter but for needy people it does.

    • The same happened to me when i applied for it. My friends were selected although their % are less than mine. Why are the people so biased for the Generals? I have given the original affadavit, whereas some of my friends had given the false affadavit.

    • Its not because of some biased procedure. There must have been some mistake while filling up the form.

    • This scholarship is only for fresh students.
      Only for 1st year of degree student get this scholarship.

  • I am a student from Govt. college Bomdila. Its a college affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi university itanagar state Arunachal pradesh. I want to know that last year I got selected under the ishaan uday UGC scheme but I got ill so I couldn't appeared the second semester exam of session 2014-2015 but after a gap of one year now I have rejoined my college in B.A. 2nd semester and I am a regular student. So what should I do to avail scholarship? I will be grateful to you if you could assist me.

  • Now I am a student of B pharm. But I was a student of B.Sc and I was drawing 'Isah Uday' Scholarship. Now I want to continue 'Ishan Uday' scholarship from new institute..

    • I found the award letters and I open the Canara bank account but bank authority told me it will not be given to the 3rd year student. Can you clarify this?

  • I have got the award letter of ishan uday scholarship. I have also opened an account on Canara bank and I am a student of b.a 2nd year. Am I eligible to get the scholarship?

  • I have been selected for Ishaan Uday scholarship and I have got the award letter also. I have opened an account in camera bank. I am a student of B.A 2nd year and now I am being informed that I will not get the scholarship. Why? The bank members are asking us to confirm with ugc.

    • I am facing the same problem. I got selected but the bank is not accepting my award letter stating that 2nd years are not allowed. We are being cheated if you ask me. Wishing you all the best. And if there is any way which you can get in contact with UGC please share.

    • I am selected for the Ishan Uday Scholarship award for the year 2015-16. I am a student of MBBS 2nd year now. But when I visited Canara Bank they informed me that they have received a notice from their Head Office that only students who have applied in the year 2014-15 would be eligible for the award. How is it possible? My name is already existing in the awardee list & I have already downloaded the awardee letter & was eagerly waiting for the scholarship. Please clear me the picture. What is going on? Maybe the bank authorities are misguiding me OR they do not have the proper information.

      Please guide me.

  • I passed HS final exam with 67.8%.
    I have applied ugc ner (reg ID NER ASS GEN 2015-16-116949)scholarship. Unfortunately I am not selected,but some of having less then 60% are selected. Kindly make a new selected list and thus oblige.


  • Already I am selected for the Ishan Uday scholarship. Can I submit the documents of BA 1st year admission receipt? But I am now student of BA 2nd year and I open Canara bank account. I have got the passbook. Now what to do?

  • I had applied for ugc fellowship for obc. But I am not selected. I cannot continue this research work without fellowship. So many students have got this fellowship but they were already got any other fellowship. So the eligible candidates opportunities were reducing.

  • I am from Assam and I was applied for ugc ishan uday scholarship but unfortunately I am not selected though my percentage was 73.8% in H S final examination 2015 while many of the candidates selected those who have got below 60% marks in their last qualifying final exams. So my humble request to ugc to look into the matter and please make a new list.

  • I am from Assam. My HS percentage is 78.43. I have not got my name in the selection list for the scholarship. My Registration ID is NER-ASS- GEN-2015-16-105431. My date of birth is 05/01/1998. I am from a very poor family and falls under BPL. Please help me in continuing my study.

  • I am from Gurucharan College,Silchar. Last year I applied Ishan Udayan Scholarship of 2015\2016 and come to know that the selection list has been declared. May I know whether I'm selected?

  • My MANF registration id is MANF-2015-17-RAJ-65838.
    I have problem with my email id. Due to this reason I could not download my award letter and how can I add my new email on this side?

  • I have a problem with my DOB/ID. I asked the staffs of my college but they said they do not have a record of my information. My name was selected. Can you please help me.
    ID no. NER-ASS-OBC-2015-16-138605

  • Lastly declared selection list of Ishan uday scholarship was very injustice. Some are submitted false mark sheet although selected and also noticed that one same name in two serial no in selection list.
    Sl no. 359,360,532,535,2447,7035,3857 and lots of Why? for this improper selection some poor meritorious students are not included in selection. My Percentage is 72.4. I applied next year but not selected again. I applied this year but not selected Why? My registration id is NER-ASS-GEN-2015-16-107339. I request you to solve the matter.

  • I am selected for Ishaan uday scholarship and I have got my award letter and also opened a a/c in canara bank. Now what should I have to do?

  • Last year also I am not selected for MANF fellowship and this year also my name is not present in the selection list why ?
    Percentage : 69.68%
    Reg id : MANF-2015-17-KAR-49645

  • My HS percentage is 77.20 but still my name is not selected for UGC scholarship.
    My registration ID: NER-ASS-GEN-2015-16-110843
    When next list will come and my name will be added so that I can continue my studies properly.

  • I am from Assam. My percentage of marks in H.S examination 74.20%. I have sent all my necessary documents through online node and my Registration ID is NER-ASS-GEN-2015-16 -167885 and date of Barth 25-11-1997 but I have not found my name in the selection list whereas many of my friends got their name in the list having less percentage. I am a student of very poor family. My father don't bear my educational fees. I would like to continue my studies. So,I humbly request you to look into the matter and help me to continue my studies of B. Sc (mathematics).

  • I have been selected for UGC scholarship. Though I have been awarded the UGC scholarship but I am little bit confused as in the selected list scholarship there was a slight mistake in my name that is Madhumita instead of Madhusmita. But all other information are correct as per my knowledge. I got my award letter few days back in which my name is again Madhumita. So I would like to know would I be awarded the scholarship?

  • I am from Assam. My percentage of marks in HS Examination is 74%. I have sent all my necessary documents through online node and my Registration ID is NER-ASS-GEN-15-16-173025 and date of birth is 01/08/1997. But I have not found my name in the selected list.
    I am a student of very poor family. I would like to continue my studies. So I humbly request you into the matter and help me to continue my studies.

    • I have applied for ugc scholarship but I am not selected. I really want the scholarship otherwise I will not be able to complete my studies as I belong to a poor family. I hope UGC scheme will really help me. My percentage is 72.20 %.

  • I am from Manipur belong to backward meitei community. I secured 72 %. I had dropped one year my study due to financial issue. I hope UGC will help me in my study a little but I was not listed in result. Why? I have submitted my requirement document.

  • I am from Manipur. My percentage mark of higher secondary examination is 71.4 %. I have sent all my necessary documents through online note and my registration id is NER-MAN-GEN-2015-16-147242 and DOB is 12/01/1996. But I have not found my name in the selection list. I am a student of very poor family. My father is also dead. I would like to continue my studies.

  • I am from Assam. My percentage of marks in HS examination is 88.4%. I have sent all my necessary documents through online node and my Registration ID is NER–ASS–OBC–2015–16–137898 and date of birth is 03/04/1997. But I have not found my name in the selection list whereas many of my friends got their name in the list having less percentage. I am a student of very poor family. My father don’t bear my educational fees. I would like to continue my studies. So,I humbly request you to look into the matter and help me to continue my studies.

  • I am from Assam. I have got 77.6 % in H.S exam. I have sent all necessary documents through online mode. My Registration ID is NER-ASS-OBC-2015-16-91935 and DOB-01/09/1996. But I am not selected. Why?

  • My name is Bidhya Sharma resident of Sikkim and my registration id is NER-SIK-OBC-2015-16-142665. My percentage is also good but why I am not selected for ?

  • My percent is 71.8. So next year I can apply it or not? Because this year 75% is maximum so next year 75% below are not applied for UGC scholarship?

  • Award Letter for Emeritus Fellowship for the year 2015-2017 is available and you can download it using candidate id, DOB and mail id.

    • I'm from ASSAM. I am selected for ishan uday scholarship in the year 2016-17, but now I couldn't download my award letter. When i go to download the award letter, after put my registration id, email id, date of birth then I saw that 'your application is under process'. My higher secondary percentage is 79.80%. My id is also correct. Why couldn't I download my award letter? Please help me. My parents financially couldn't support us(my 3 brothers & me).

  • I am from Assam. My percentage marks in higher secondary examination is 86.4%. I have sent all necessary document through online mode and my Registration ID is NER-ASS-OBC-2015-16-96966. But I have not found my name in the selection list whereas many of my friends got their name in the list having less percentage. So this is my humble request to you to please look into the matter.

  • I got 74.6% in HS exam. Why I don't got and how much we will get percentage?
    My NER Id no. : NER-ASS-ST-2015-16-138174

  • My name is there on the selected list but I am not being able to download the award letter. Due to technical problem my DOB had been mistyped as 2015 in the profile and now its showing invalid registration/DOB. Please help.

  • I am from Assam. I got 77.4% but I am not selected for Ishan Uday scholarship. While some students securing 75% selected for the scholarship why I am not selected?

  • I was selected for UGC scholarship. So my subject is incorrect. What is the problem for me? Please tell me the details. How can I change my subject?

  • My percentage is 75.6 and my date of birth is 01-01-1997. Why don't I get selected in Ishan Uday scholarship?

  • I got selected but unable to download the award letter. My registration id is NER-MAN-ST-2015-16-109454. What is the problem?

  • I am from Assam. I have got 76.4% in SSE exam and I belong to ST though I have not got Ishaan uday scholarship 2015-16.. My registration ID is NER-ASS-ST-2015-16-101088 and DOB is 12/02/1997.
    Can I ask you why I have not selected?

  • I got 75.4% in HS exam but my name is not included in the list. I checked the list and most important thing is that one another boy is including in the list but his % was 75 only.

  • Getting the family income of rupees 3 lakhs approx. and also having 76.2% of marks. I am surprised why my name in not enlisted in the NER scholarship. And the candidates who have got lesser percentage have been selected.

  • I request to select the candidates of Ishan Uday scholarship for north east by examination.

    • List of selected candidates for award of scholarship for the year 2015-16 belonging to North Eastern Region under the scheme of "Ishan Uday" Special Scholarship Scheme during financial year 2015-16 get announced and it is available in the official website.

  • I have duly submitted all my documents. I secured 89.9% in my HS and all the requirements have been fulfilled but my name is not in the list announced on 8th February,2016.
    Please help.

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