a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in ICCR Scholarship 2020-21 : High Commission of India Tanzania

Organisation : High Commission of India Tanzania
Scholarship Name : ICCR Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : 31st March 2020 (Date is Extended)
Website : https://www.iccr.gov.in/

HC India TZ ICCR Scholarship

High Commission of India Tanzania invites applications for ICCR Scholarship for studies in India from the Academic Year 2020-21.

Related / Similar Post : AYUSH Scholarship Scheme 2020-21

ICCR Scholarship Eligibility

** Applications are invited from Tanzanian nationals for scholarship for post-graduate, doctorate and under-graduate courses in India for the academic year starting in July 2020

** Only Students, who are above 18 year of age by July, 2020 are eligible for admission under the scholarship scheme and maximum age is 30 years.

ICCR Scholarship Online Application

Just follow the below steps to apply for ICCR Scholarship 2020-21.

Steps :
Step 1 : All applicants must register on the ICCR Scholarship portal through the URL http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/

Step 2 : Already registered user Login with your Login ID & Password and fill the application form and submit it along with uploading all documents online

Step 3 : If you are a new user click on the “Applicant Registration” link and fill the required fields to complete the registration.

Step 4 : Please read the instructions before filling out the forms. Please also read the financial terms and conditions
Step 5 : After complete your registration fill the remaining details to apply for the scholarship.


1. All entries (except the signature) in the application should be filled in correctly.
2. Application should be complete in all respects, with all the required information and all necessary supporting documents, as listed below

** A recent passport size photograph not more than 3.5×4.5cm (25kb) should be uploaded on the application form in the space provided.The photograph should be with white background and without spectacles.

** Copies of all academic qualifications, certificates and mark sheets, including those relating to school leaving examination must be uploaded.
** A certificate of physical fitness in the prescribed form.
** Recommendations / character certificates from existing school/University etc

** Certified copies of relevant pages of candidate’s valid passport showing photograph, name, contact details, date of issue, date of expiry and place of issue. Please ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of the course for which you have applied.

** At the time of uploading the required documents kindly ensure that all documents uploaded correctly in the given module e.g. module for educational certificates should only be uploaded with the educational certificates only not other documents such as passport copies or photographs etc.

** Original Certificates/ documents must be carried by the Applicant if admitted for verification by the concerned University/ Institute at the time of joining.

** In case of Engineering courses, you must have Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) in your school leaving examinations as this is mandatory for Engineering courses.

3. Candidates are requested that they may apply on portal along with following compulsory details of their Personal/Academic details.
** Passport Number.
** Age Proof (Birth Certificate /Any Unique Identity issued by the Government indicating clear date of Birth)
** Synopsis detail in case of Ph.D candidates

Note :
Ensure that certified copies of documents showing specific qualifications required for the course of your choice (such as GMAT scores for admission in MBA, TOEFL/IELTS scores for English courses etc.) are also attached. The requirements can be checked from the UGC/Institute/University website.

Financial Terms & Conditions

Undergraduate 18000
Postgraduate 20000
M.Phil / Ph.D 22000
Post-doctoral Fellow 25000
In Grade 1 cities 6,500
In other cities 5,500
Undergraduate 5,000
Postgraduate 7,000
M/Phil / Ph.D/M.Tech/M.E 12,500
Post – doctoral studies 15,500
THESIS AND DISSERTATION EXPENSES (Once in entire duration of course)
Ph.D Scholar 10,000
For BBA/BCA/MBA/MCA/M.Tech and other course required submission of Project 7.000
Under the scheme scholars are expected to seek treatment only at medical centre or dispensary attached to universities / Institutes where they enrolled or in the nearest Government hospital Bill are settled as admissible according to AMA/CGHS norms

ICCR Scholarship Last Date

The last date for submission of application for the session 2020-2021 has been extended up from 29th February to 15th March 2020 . However for Ph.d last date is 31st March 2020.


** The scholarship include return economy class air-fares to the nearest airport and 3rd AC Train fare to the place of study, if so required apart from tuition fees paid to the institute and a monthly stipend.

** Only students proficient in English may apply for admission since all teaching will be in English
** Those who are suffering from life threatening illness or any other medical condition requiring long term treatment are not eligible.

** Applications will only be accepted through the portal.
** The council does not offer admission in medical / paramedical /Nursing/ Physiotherapy / anesthesia etc./ fashion course.

** All students will have to stay in hostels. No exception for family or health reasons will be permitted.
** Please note that applications will be considered only after it is verified and recommended by the High Commission of India.

** Please note that your placement to a particular educational institution / University will depend on the availability of seats and the course that you are choosing.

Therefore, before filling your three choices, you are advised to check the Institutions/Universities available for the discipline that you intend to study.


In case of any questions, please write to Mr. Emmanuel Kimaro at iccdartz [AT] gmail.com.

Categories National

View Comments (5)

  • Please if an applicant choose the university and the type of program like Bachelor and choose engineering but did not specified the type of engineering hope the application will be considered?.

  • Can one also apply if he/she is still expecting a certificate of graduation, as in uploading a certificate of expected graduation, then submit the real certificate when it is ready?

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