Vidyapeeth Academy V-MAT Mental Aptitude Test 2019 :

Organisation : Vidyapeeth Academy
Scholarship Name : V-MAT 2019 Vidyapeeth Mental Aptitude Test & Talent Search Exam
Applicable For : Students of Class 8th ,9th and 10th
Applicable State : Bihar
Exam Date : 06.01.2019
Website :

Vidyapeeth Academy V-MAT

Vidyapeeth Mental Aptitude test is (V-MAT) an initiative of Vidyapeeth Academy for selecting meritorious students of Bihar to provide them recognition and platform for preparation of IIT JEE , NEET & other competitive exams through this talent search exam.

Related : Vidyapeeth Academy Scholarship Cum Admission Test V-SAT 2019 :

V-MAT Eligibility

Students of Class 8th ,9th and 10th are eligible to apply for V-MAT 2019.

V-MAT Registration

Apply Online

Just follow the below steps to register for V-MAT 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Vidyapeeth Academy through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Next Fill Registration Form with the required fields and upload your photo.
Step 3 : Click on the “Submit” button and Pay Fee Online
Step 4 : After complete the transaction you will the confirmation message.

Offline Registration

Students can directly visit Vidyapeeth Center, participating schools or associates centers with one photograph Rs.100/- Registration fee in cash or in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.100/- in favour of ‘Vidyapeeth Academy’ payable at Patna.

Download Application Form :

Test Pattern

Total questions: 25

Time Duration : 30 Minutes

Subjects : Mathematics (10 Questions) Science (10 Questions)    and Basic Reasoning (5 Questions)

Syllabus: First half of current class syllabus, as per NCERT     books.

Total questions: 60

Time duration: 2 hours

Subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Aptitude (10    Question from each) and Maths (20 Questions)

Syllabus: Full syllabus of respective classes, as per NCERT books.

Marking Scheme

** (4) Marks for each correct answer.
** (-1) Marks for each incorrect answer.
** (0) Marks for unattempted Questions.

** In case of tally of total score, students having higher score in maths will be given priority, second priority will be given to physics then chemistry and then Mental Ability. Even after this if rank is undecided then it will be decided on the basis of interview.

Prizes & Awards

Selection Process

We select 40 meritorious students in Dream 40 batch from class 9th, 10th and 11th moving students. Students have to take VMAT in two stages , in first stage offline exam will be conducted for 30 minutes in various school and all Vidyapeeth Academy study centers, a total 25 questions will be asked for screening of students.

All selected students from Stage -1 of Class 8th ,9th and 10th have to take VMAT stage-2, in which student will get the state rank along with performance analysis in detail and Vidyapeeth Academy offered 40 meritorious students based on VMAT Ranks to take admission into different classroom program in Vidyapeeth Academy.

About Us :
In today’s competitive era, getting an edge in your training always provide an advantage over rest. Vidyapeeth is a group of IITians who has gone through the same path you are going today. In the process, we have faced difficulties like lack of proper teaching methodology or least concerned faculties about students result.

Contact Us :
Vidyapeeth Academy,
216, 217, 2nd floor,Grand Plaza,
Fraser Road, Dak Bunglow,
Patna-1, Bihar. © 2022

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