Vibrant Academy SEAT Result 2019-20 : Scholarship Cum Early Admission Test

Organisation : Vibrant Academy
Announcement : SEAT Result 2019-20
Scholarship Name : SEAT Scholarship Cum Early Admission Test 2019-20
Check Result :

Vibrant Academy SEAT Result

Vibrant Academy released the SEAT Scholarship Cum Early Admission Test Result 2019-20.

Related : Vibrant Academy VSAT Scholarship cum Admission Test 2019-20 :

Steps to Check SEAT Result

Just follow the below steps to check your SEAT Result 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Vibrant Academy through the URL
Step 2 : Next click on the “SEAT Result” tab in the home page

Step 3 : After that Type your Roll No and DOB
Step 4 : Click on the “Login” button to view your result.

SEAT Scholarship Fee

For Class 11th & 12th :

Course Total Fee 1st Installment 2nd Installment
Part A Part B
Amount Basic GST Caution Money Amount Basic GST Amount Basic GST
Micro / Nano 130000 30000 25424 4576 0 65000 55085 9915 35000 29661 5339
Mega 140000 30000 23729 4271 2000 65000 55085 9915 45000 38136 6864

For Class 6th to 10th Integrated Programme :

Class Basic GST Total Fee 1st Installment 2nd Installment
EDGE_VI 25424 4576 30000 22500 7500
EDGE_VII 30932 5568 36500 27375 9125
EDGE_VIII 32627 5873 38500 28875 9625
EDGE_IX 36864 6636 43500 32625 10875
EDGE_X 42797 7703 50500 37875 12625

For Class 7th to 10th Regular Programme :

Class Basic GST Total Fee 1st Installment 2nd Installment
EDGE_VII 22034 3966 26000 9500 6500
EDGE_VIII 27119 4881 32000 24000 8000
EDGE_IX 29661 5339 35000 26250 8750
EDGE_X 34322 6178 40500 30375 10125


1. How to check the application status?
When the application form of a student is received we send a message on the Student/parent’s mobile number or you can confirm the status by calling in below numbers. Telephone numbers 0744-2423406, 2428664, 2428666, and 3205262

2. What is the cut-off of Admission Test in Vibrant?
The cut-off is for our internal use only. We don’t declare individual marks, highest marks, And lower marks of the student appearing in the admission test. We only declare the List of the Eligible students.

3. Will you communicate the results of Vibrant to the Parents?
The result of Vibrant will be available on website and shall also be communicated to The Parents on the mobile No. given by them in the Application Form.

4. General class timings for XI, XII & XIII class?
Generally we keep the classes timings in the post lunch session for the XI & XII class students so that they can go to the schools in the morning session if they want. General Class timings for XII pass students will be in the morning session.

5. Do you Shuffle the batches? What is the process of batch shuffling?
Yes, Batches are shuffled based on student’s performance in their tests and the objective is to keep students motivated and streamline batches for harmonious composition. There is no discrimination among batches.

6. What about the timings and duration of classes?
Batch wise classes will be held in Morning or Evening sessions. Each class will be of one and half hour.

7. Is hostel Facility available in vibrant?
We do not have our own hostel but there are so many good hostels available near to the vibrant premises where vibrant student can reside. When you will visit personally to the premises if you want we can guide you regarding the hostel.

8. Do you provide feedback on performance of the student?
We provide performance feedback of student by sending the result to parents mobile And the performance of ward will also be available on internet by link in the browser.

Parents can do the Complete performance analysis of their ward by entering the vibrant roll number and date Of birth.


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