Scholarships For Poor & Meritorious Students Bareilly : Sahu Ram Sawroop Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Organization : Sahu Ram Sawroop Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Scholarship Name : Scholarships For Poor & Meritorious Students
Location : Bareilly

Website :

Scholarships For Poor & Meritorious Students:
The college confers the following scholarships under various categories and rules. Under Section 273 of Education Code it is conferred upon the student securing highest marks in Intermediate and currently a regular student of B.A.I year by the Director of Education / Divisional Inspector of Girls School. To receive the above mentioned scholarship it is compulsory to fill the prescribed form and deposit it in the office. Scholarship will be awarded to the student on receiving approval from the related officer.

Scholarships For Poor And Meritorious Students:
This scholarship is awarded to those meritorious students who are included under the following income categories. It is essential for these students to score I division marks in Intermediate exam. They have to fill the prescribed form along with the application form and compulsorily deposit it in the office by due date. On receiving approval of the concerned authorities, the aforesaid scholarship will be awarded to the student. The student will apply to the Subordinate Director of Education, Third Division, Bareilly. Students of General category belonging to financially weak income group are entitled to scholarships as per Govt. directives.

Scholarship Given By The Javitri Devi Trust:
The Javitri Devi Trust has been awarding scholarship of Rs.100 per month from the session of 2003-04 to 02 eligible students of B.A.I and II year.

Scholarship Given By Shri Ram Murti Smarak Trust, Bareilly:
Shri Ram Murti Smarak Trust, Bareilly awards scholarship of Rs.80 per month to 02 eligible students of B.A.I and II year.

National Scholarship:
For this purpose students will procure the scholarship application form the District School Inspector, get it forwarded by the Principal after duly filling it and dispatch it to Director of Education (Higher Education) Allahabad. For renewal of National Scholarship students have to deposit their progress appellation, attested photocopies of their mark sheets, admission appellation at the college along with their admission form, in college office by the due date. Only those students who have secured I Division are entitled for this scholarship.

National Scholarship Loan:
To receive National Scholarship Loan, students will procure the application from the office of the District School Inspector, get it forwarded from college and dispatch it to Director of Education (Higher Education) Allahabad. For renewal of National Scholarship Loan, students will deposit the application form along with attested photocopies of their mark sheets in the office by the due date.

Scholarship For Students Of (Below Poverty Line) Scheduled / Backward Caste And Minority / General / Handicapped Category :
Government has made a provision of scholarship for the students of scheduled caste / tribe / backward caste / general caste / minority and handicapped category included under the following income limits.

Category Annual -Income Limit:
1. Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, -Up to Rs. 02,00,000/- (Annual)
2. General Caste and Backward Caste. – Up to Rs. 02,00,000/- (Annual)
3. Minority Group (Rural Area) – Up to Rs. 1, 00,000/- (Annual)
4. Minority Group (Urban Area) – Up to Rs. 1, 00,000/- (Annual)
5. Handicapped Groups – Up to Rs. 1, 00,000/- (Annual)

Proceedings will be in accordance with the instructions/ amendments (if made) received from the Govt. or related Depts. from time to time. Scholarship application form is attached; candidates will fill it according to the related categories.

Contact us:
Sahu Ram Sawroop Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Ph. No.:0581-2559939| 0581-2578415


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