Top Class Education For SC Students 2018-19 : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Organisation : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : Top Class Education Scheme For SC Students 2018-19
Applicable For : SC Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 15-01-2019
Website :

Social Justice Top Class Education For SC

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment invites applications for fresh scholarship for the year 2018-19 under the Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of “Top Class Education for SC Students.”

Related : CCRT CTSSS Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme 2019-20 :

Who Can Apply?

Those SC students having total annual family income from all sources up to Rs. 6.00 lakh and having secured admission in a full-time course in any of the notified institutions will be eligible for scholarship.

Note :
If the number of scholarships exceed the number of students in 1st year, then the scholarship can be awarded to 2nd, 3rd & 4th year students. However, 1st year gets priority over 2nd year and so on.

How to Apply?

The institutes are required to register their credential on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) (if not registered last year). Just follow the below steps to apply for the Top Class Education Scheme For SC Students 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of National Scholarship Portal

Apply Online :

Step 2 : For Fresh Registration students click on the New Registration link in the home page and Fill the required details to complete your Registration.

Step 3 : For Renewal case, Students Click the Login link and enter your Application Id, Password, Captcha image for Login. Then complete your renewal process.

Documents Required

Following documents should be accompanied with renewal proposal
** Declaration by the Institute that the students are not getting any scholarship either from the State government or from the Ministry/ Department of Government of India.

** Separate break up of Annual fee/ Other non-refundable charges.
** Proof whether the students are hostellers or day scholars.

** The Bank Authorization letter of the Institute should be countersigned by the authorized signatory of the Bank along with official seal. The Bank account should not be in the name of the Director/Principal/Registrar/Accounts Officer etc. It should be in the name of the Institute only.

** Utilization Certificates in the prescribed form GFR-12(A) along with signature of the scholarship holders/beneficiaries towards the amount received by them.

** A copy of the result of last year/last term final examination with clear mention that he/she has passed the examination.
** List of students who have been promoted to Higher Class and list of failed students.

** The institutes, while verifying the application of students, MUST verify that the income certificate of the student is issued by the Revenue Officer of the State from which he belongs. A list of authorized Revenue Officer of the States is enclosed.

Notification :

Scholarship Amount

** Full tuition fee and non-refundable charges (there will be a ceiling of Rs. 2.00 lakhs per annum per student for private sector institutions and Rs.3.72 lakhs per annum per student for the private sector flying clubs for Commercial Pilot Training and Type Rating Courses)

** Living expenses to the beneficiary @ Rs. 2220/- per month per student
** Books and stationery @ Rs. 3000/- per annum per student and
** A latest computer/laptop of reputed brand with accessories like UPS and printer limited to Rs. 45000/- per student as one time assistance during the course.


While applying for the fresh proposals of 2018-19 following things must be kept in mind
** The tuition fee and other non-refundable charges would be paid to institute.

** The Boarding and Lodging charges, Books and Stationery charges and computer charges would be paid to students directly.
** The other non-refundable charges MUST not include Boarding and Lodging charges, Books and Stationery charges and computer charges.

** The institute MUST keep the boarding and lodging charges restricted to Rs.2,220/- per month i.e. Rs.26,640/- per annum. It MUST not claim more than this.

** The Book and Stationery charges MUST be restricted to Rs.3,000/- per annum.
** The Computer and Accessories charges MUST be restricted to Rs.45,000/- and it is a one time assistance during the course.

** All the charges claimed by the institute (including Annual fee and other Non- refundable charges) MUST be filled in “Tuition fee” column of the portal.
** All the charges claimed by the student MUST be filled in “Other Lump Sum entitlement” column of the portal.

** The amount ‘0’ must be filled in the column “Admission fee”.
** The institute MUST be very careful in verifying the applications as the amount once filled/verified can not be altered.

** The institute MUST verify those number of applications only, keeping in view slots allotted to them against the notified course(s). In case, the number of applications verified is more than the allocated slots, no proposal of the institute would be cleared

Last Date

The online applications must be submitted by the students before 15-01-2019


In case of any queries, mail can be sent at the mail ID “dbtcell.msje [AT]”

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