Sukhibhava Period Fellowship 2018-19

Organisation : Sukhibhava
Fellowship Name : The Period Fellowship 2018-19
Applicable For : Undergraduate Degree Students
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : January 06, 2019
Website :

Sukhibhava Period Fellowship

Sukhibhava invites applications for The Period Fellowship for the year 2018-19.

Related : ICTS TIFR S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program 2019 :


The objective of The Period Fellowship is to engage with the often stigmatized subject of menstruation and initiate conversations, questions and curiosity about periods. Talking about a problem is often half the battle won.

We are looking forward to working with motivated individuals who identify themselves as men, women or trans and are enthusiastic about engaging with rural and urban poor communities.

Who Can Apply?

Fellows in the age group 18-45 years who have completed or are in the last year of an undergraduate degree are eligible to apply.


A fellow will be paid Rs 25,000 per month including housing and travel allowances as applicable.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the The Period Fellowship 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Sukhibhava through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Then read the instructions carefully before you are applying and click on the “Apply Now” button

Step 3 : Please fill the form with the required details to initiate the application process
Step 4 : Finally click on “Submit” button to complete the application process


** Applications open – November 30, 2018
** Applications close – January 06, 2019
** Final round – March, 2019
** Program Dates – June 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020

Additional Information

The fellowship is a full-time engagement, wherein we expect the cohort to commit to the project for 15 months.

The fellowship manager will be responsible for managing the fellows in terms of handling logistics, providing support to the fellows at every stage and ensuring safety of the fellows they work with.

The regions we are currently looking to work in are Pune, Chennai and 2 towns which are tier 2 or tier 3. We expect the prospective fellows to be proficient in English and one or more of these languages – Hindi, Tamil and Marathi

Fellowship Details

** The Period Fellowship aims to bring together dynamic women, men and trans persons from diverse backgrounds to create awareness on menstruation and menstrual hygiene among women and girls, and men and boys in urban and rural India, during the course of 15 months.

** The fellows will work to ensure that they build an enabling ecosystem in the communities to reflect upon their personal practices, while exploring concepts like hygiene, menstrual cycle, PMS and superstitions.

** We are looking to build a repository of knowledge on experiences gathered from around the country on menstruation and issues that surround it.

** Through this teaching-learning experience, our fellows will understand where communities stand in terms of knowledge on menstruation, simultaneously developing teaching, managerial and leadership skills during the course of the fellowship on a personal level.

** While this is a working fellowship, is it simultaneously a leadership program which via activities through the year, will enable the fellows to build capacities to hone their potential to be long term leaders for menstruation and allied social issues.


If you have further queries, please reach out to us info [AT]

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