Samsung Star Scholarship 2019-20

Organization : Samsung India Electronics Private Limited
Scholarship Name : Samsung Star Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable For : B. Tech/Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) First year students or last year’s scholarship holder
Application Last Date : 10.12.2019
Website :

Samsung Star Scholarship

Samsung India Electronics Private Limited invites applications for Samsung Star Scholarship for the year 2019-20.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Samsung Star Scholarship 2020-21

Who Can Apply?

** Samsung is offering a scholarship for student(s) graduating from all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, run by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

** The Scholarship Candidate(s) should be first year students, or last year’s scholarship holders in a full term B. Tech/Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) course at the Institute.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Samsung Star Scholarship 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Samsung India Electronics Private Limited through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Then read the instructions carefully and download the application form from the official website

Step 3 : Please complete the form clearly and in black or blue ink. All questions must be answered. Do not leave any section blank. If a section does not apply to you, please indicate that it is not applicable (N/A).

Step 4 : Completed applications must be sent as a hard copy as well as through email. Applications should be emailed in .pdf format to star.scholar [AT] by the Last Date date of December 10, 2019 with all required documents attached.

Step 5 : Additionally original application form and signed receipts of documents should be sent by Speed Post to

Samsung Star Scholar
Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Corporate Citizenship (CRO)
20th ~ 24th Floor, Two Horizon Centre, Golf Course Road, Sector – 43,
DLF Phase V, Gurgaon, Haryana -122002, India

Note :
The Application form and all the other documents of Applicants who have not completed eighteen years of age must be counter signed by their respective legal guardians on the New Scholarship Application Form (Annexure- I) and the Guardian Declaration Application Form (Annexure- II) duly filled.

Documents Required

Your scholarship application must include the following for all scholarships


a. Completed Application Form, with self-attested photograph. The Application Form has to be certified and signed by Dean Academics.

b. Self-certified clear copy of Class X and XII CBSE marks statement.
c. Self-certified clear copy of JEE (Advanced) ranking certificate
d. Self-certified clear copy of Final admission letter from the Institute.

e. Original copy for admission/first semester/annual fee receipt deposited at Institute, attested and verified by the Institute’s Dean Academic.
f. A signed cancelled cheque of the bank account in which the Scholarship amount has to be deposited

g. Self-certified clear copy of address proof – Aadhaar Card will only be considered.
h. Self-certified clear copy of PAN Card (mandatory).
i. Provide a brief write up on a separate sheet, why you are a qualified candidate for a scholarship and how you will be impacted if chosen.


a. Completed Application Form, with self-attested photograph. The Application Form has to be certified and signed by Dean Academics.
b. Copy of mark sheets of the previously attended academic year.

c. Receipt copy for admission/first semester fee deposited at Institute.
d. Any additional supporting document as noted in the individual scholarship descriptions.

Important Dates

** Forms are available (indicated below) for download from November 10, 2019
** Last date for submission for Application and all related documents : December 10, 2019

Scholarship Amount

Scholarship Candidate(s) are entitled to a maximum scholarship amount of Indian Rupees Two Lakh (Rupees 200,000/-) only per year, towards expenses related to tuition fee, hostel and mess charges.


** First year Scholarship Candidate(s) will be selected on the basis of their All India Rank (AIR) in the Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced).

** The 2nd Year Scholarship will be determined based on the students’ overall academic performance. Candidates who remain in the Top 50% of their class will continue to get the scholarship for the next year.

** The Scholarship Candidate(s) is/are entitled to support for his/her tuition fee, hostel and mess charges only.

** The Scholarship Candidate(s) should not be availing of any financial assistance or scholarship related to these expenses from either a Government or Non-Government source, during their pursuance of their B. Tech/Dual Degree (B.Tech+ M.Tech) course from the Institute.

** Duration of the scholarship will be for one (1) academic year, extendable to subsequent three (3) years for B. Tech. Degree Course and four (4) years for Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) Course based on the applicable rules.

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