UGC Maulana Azad National Fellowship For Minority Students 2018-19 : University Grants Commission

Organization : University Grants Commission (UGC)
Scholarship Name : Maulana Azad National Fellowship For Minority Students 2018-19
Applicable For : Minority Students
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : 10/01/2019 (Date is Extended)
Website :

UGC Maulana Azad National Fellowship

UGC invites applications for Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students for the Year 2018-19.

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The objective of the scheme is to provide an opportunity to students belonging to minority community for pursuing full time M.Phil / PhD in Indian Universities/Institutions/Colleges which are recognized by the UGC under Sec. 2(f) and Sec. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956

Who Can Apply?

** The candidates who have qualified CBSE-UGC-NET/JRF/CSIR-NET/IRF held in December 2017 and June 2018 are eligible to apply.

** Candidate should belong to one of the minority communities – Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi & Jain notified under Section 2 (c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992.

** Candidate should be registered for regular and full time M.Phil/Ph.D courses in University/Academic Institution by fulfilling conditions of admission of that University/Institution.

** The annual income of the beneficiary/parents or guardian of the beneficiary should not exceed Rs. 6.0 lakh per annum from all sources.
** The candidate should have secured a minimum score of 55% at Post Graduate level.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Maulana Azad National Fellowship For Minority Students 2018-19

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of University Grants Commission through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instruction carefully and Click on the “Apply Now” button in the menu bar.

Step 3 : Accept the terms & conditions and Click on “Proceed for Registration” button to continue with registration.

Step 4 : Next, Fill-in Personal Information including caste and physical disability certificate(if applicable). A candidate registration id is generated on completion of step 1 that can be used for generating a pdf file once submission process is completed.

Step 5 : Fill-in Research Work including subject,research topic, department etc.
Step 6 : Fill-in Other Information including Scholarships/Present employment etc.
Step 7 : Accept the declaration and finally click on “Submit” button

Documents Required

Applicant will be required to upload scanned copies of the following documents while applying online
1. Domicile Certificate
2. Minority Community Certificate (Affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/-). Download

3. Scanned Copy of Candidate’s Recent Color Photograph And Signature
4. NET/JRF award letter or marksheet in case award letter has not been received.

5. Master Degree Marksheet
6. Verification certificate to be uploaded at the designated place after getting it signed and attested by the Competent Authority.

Applications attested by officers other than Registrar of University, Director of Institute or Principal of the College shall be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for award of fellowship.

7. Disability certificate, if applicable.
Note : Candidate will not be able to submit their application unless above mentioned documents are uploaded.

Notification :

Duration of Fellowship

These are integrated five year fellowships for M.Phil & Ph.D subject to academic criteria in force for selection to Ph.D programme. The duration of fellowship is as under

Name of the Course Maximum duration Admissibility of JRF and SRF
M. Phil 2 years or submission of dissertation whichever is earlier 2 Years Nil
M.Phil + Ph.D 5 years or submission of Ph.D. thesis whichever is earlier 2 Years Remaining 3 years
Ph.D. 5 years or submission of Ph.D. thesis whichever is earlier 2 Years Remaining 3 years

Amount of Fellowship

The rate of fellowship for JRF and SRF will be at par with the UGC fellowship as amended from time to time. Presently these rates are as follows

Fellowship @ Rs.25,000/- p.m. for initial two years (JRF)
@ Rs.28,000/- p.m. for remaining tenure (SRF)
Contingency for Contingency for Humanities & Social Sciences and Commerce @ Rs.10, 000/- p.a. for initial two years.
@ Rs.20, 500/- p.a. for remaining three years
Contingency for Science @ Rs.12, 000/- p.a. for initial two years
@ Rs.25, 000/- p.a. for remaining three years.
Escorts/Reader Assistance @ Rs.2,000/- p.m. in cases of physically and visually challenged candidates

Last Date

The last date for receipt of application is 10th January 2019.

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