CCRT CTSSS Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme 2019-20 : Centre For Resources & Training

Organisation : Centre For Cultural Resources & Training CCRT
Scholarship Name : Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme CTSS 2019-20
Applicable For : Children 10 to 14 years of Age Group
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : February 15, 2019 (Date is Extended)
Website :

CCRT Cultural Talent Search Scholarship

Application Form For Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme opened for the year 2019-20.

Related : CCRT CTSS Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme Results 2019-20 :


The object of the scheme is to provide facilities to outstanding talented children selected in the age group of 10 to 14 years, studying either in recognized schools or belonging to families practicing traditional performing arts for getting specialized training in various cultural fields such as traditional forms of music, dance, drama, painting, sculpture, crafts and literary arts, laying special emphasis on rare art forms, which are in the process of becoming extinct.

Who Can Apply?

** Children whose date of birth is in between 01.07.2005 and 30.06.2009 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply for the award of scholarships for the year 2019-20.

** The children whose parent’s/guardian’s total monthly income is less than Rs.8000/- only (Eight Thousand Only) per month will be given preference for the award of scholarship.

Nature of Scholarship

Subject to availability of funds, the maximum number of fresh scholarships to be awarded every year will be 650, of which
** 100 scholarships are marked for Tribal Culture/Scheduled Tribe children (those who possess a valid ‘ST’ certificate issued by competent authority),

** 125 are reserved for children of families practicing traditional arts, etc. (TAF- which are continuously practicing art form(s) for the minimum previous 03 generations),

** 20 for differently abled children (having valid disability certificate) and
** 30 in the field of Creative Writing/Literary Arts (for those who have evidences of their original work).
** The remaining 375 scholarships will be treated as general scholarships.

Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the CTSS 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of CCRT provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Read the instructions carefully before applying and fill the application form with the required details.

Step 4 : The completely filled application form along with photograph of the child, relevant documents and their specimens of the latest original art work must reach CCRT, New Delhi on or before January 31, 2019.

Note :
Application for the scholarship should be submitted by the parents/guardians in the prescribed latest form in one art form only, after getting necessary recommendations from school/ institution and Guru/teacher, where the applicant is studying and receiving training respectively and must be received directly in the CCRT, New Delhi by the prescribed last date.

Value of Scholarship

i) The value of scholarship will be Rs.3600/- (Rs.Three thousand Six Hundred Only) per year.

ii) The actual fee paid for the specialized training to the Institution or to the Guru/teacher shall be reimbursed to the scholarship holder in addition to the value of scholarship indicated under (i) above, subject to a ceiling of Rs.9000/- (Rs.Nine Thousand only) per year.


** The applicant must apply only in one art form, because only once and one scholarship could be availed under the scheme. All applications of those, who apply in more than one art form would be rejected straight away.

** Applicants applying under the Tribal Culture/Scheduled Tribe (ST) category, must attach the self attested photocopy of their valid Scheduled Tribe (ST) certificate, issued by any competent authority

** Applicants applying under the Differently Abled Children category, must attach the self-attested photo copy of the their Disability Certificate, issued by any competent authority.

** Applicants applying under the Traditional Artists Family (TAF) category, must attach a duly signed brief write-up on a separate sheet of paper giving complete details of minimum three (03) generations and their contribution to any art form.

** Applicants applying in the field of Creative Writing/Literary Arts, must attach the three (03) specimens of their latest original work (such as poems, stories, prose, play and essay etc.) duly attested by the Principal/Headmaster of their respective schools.

** Applicants applying for Painting must attach three (03) specimens of their latest original art work and those in Crafts, Sculpture etc. should attach three (03) photographs of their latest original art objects, duly certified by their Guru/Teacher on the backside or on a plain paper separately, that these are the art work made by the applicant only and not aided by them

** Applicants applying in Performing Arts must attach the Certificate containing details of training received till now, duly certified from the Guru and 02 post card size photographs taken at the time of performance/training.

** A scholarship holder shall not receive any scholarship/stipend from any other Institution in concerned art form in case he/she is selected for CTSS Scheme.

Last Date

Last date for submission of complete and duly filled application form in the CCRT, New Delhi is 15.02.2019

Categories National

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  • सीसीआरटी स्कॉलरशिप 2018-2019 का परिणाम कब घोषित होगा . सीसीआरटी का वेव साईट खुल नहीं रहा है. कृपया जानकारी दिजिएगा परिणाम कैसे देखें. कैंडिडेट का आईडी कोड है 2018-2019/02670. बहुत बेचैनी है. कृपया मदद करे. यह वेव साईट खुल ही नहीं रहा है. कृपया जानकारी पाने में मदद कीजिये. © 2022

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