Educational Scholarship For Small Transporters & Truck Drivers Children Chennai : Shriram Foundation

Organization : Shriram Foundation
Scholarship Name : Educational Scholarship Program
Applicable For : Small Transporters & Truck Drivers Children
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website :

Educational Scholarship Program:
Along with running rural schools, Shriram Foundation also provides financial support to hundreds of students through the Educational Scholarship Program.

Shriram Foundation, in its endeavor to provide financial support to the children of small transporters and truck drivers launched the Educational Scholarship Program. Started in July 2013, the first round of distributions included providing scholarships to around 2400 students in partnership with 40 transport associations across the country.

In most of the states, Government schools provide free education to children only till standard 6, and thereafter charge a fee that most students’ families cannot afford. Consequently the children of transporters or truck drivers often drop out of school at the primary education stage. Shriram Foundation, in its endeavor to help these children, has launched this program. These transport associations were asked to form a special committee for the scrutiny of the applications received from the children of truck drivers and small transporters.

The scrutiny was conducted based on following three parameters:
** Marks obtained (required to be over 60%)
** Monthly income of the parents (not more than Rs 25000)
** One of the parents have to be either a driver or a small transporter

Undeniably, the initiative has received overwhelming response and appreciation from the transport fraternities in many cities including Chennai, Mumbai, Vijaywada, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Nagpur, Mysore, Delhi, Bangalore and Namakkal.

In the coming years, the Foundation will continue to provide support to the students selected for the scholarship.

Contact Address:
Shriram Foundation
Mookambika Complex, II Floor, No.4,
Lady Desika Road, Mylapore,
Chennai – 600 004.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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