MSBTE Scholarship 2018-19 : Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Organisation : MSBTE Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
Scholarship Name : MSBTE Scholarship 2018-19
Applicabel State : Maharashtra
Last Date : 31.12.2018
Website :

MSBTE Scholarship Maharashtra

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education invites scholarship applications for the year 2018-19.

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1. The applicant should be a fresh student admitted for the first time to the First Year/Sem of any AICTE approved Diploma course in Engineering and Technology at an MSBTE affiliated Institute in Maharashtra during 2018-19 (For Fresh Candidates).

2. The applicant should have scored at least 70% marks at the entry qualification (SSC for all Engineering & Technology courses and HSC for Pharmacy course). The total percentage of marks scored at the qualifying examination shall be considered for 15 year admitted students.

3. The applicant should not be in receipt of any other Scholarship or Free ship during the academic year 2018-19

4. Income limit for becoming eligible for scholarship shall be maximum 5 Lakh per annum.
5. Candidates admitted to Autonomous Polytechnics within Maharashtra and whose equivalence is confirmed by MSBTE, Mumbai are also eligible to apply.

Number Of Scholarship

The total Number of Scholarships shall be calculated every year based on intake capacity of MSBTE affiliated courses for that particular year. Scholarships per course shall be proportionate to 6 Number per 1000 intake.

However, the number of scholarships as per State Merit List shall be limited to 952 only for each year. (1$, 2nd, 310) or academic year.

Application Procedure

Eligible students shall fill the information online, upload scanned documents whichever required as given below, confirm the application and submit to the Principal of their institute with an attested copy each of

i. Entry qualification (SSC for all and HSC- for Pharmacy only) mark-sheet and
ii. Income certificate of parents issued by concerned Government Authorities for the for the financial year 2017-18
iii. Statement of Mark of first year/second year diploma course (whichever applicable).

iv. Photo copy of first page of pass book of saving account of a Nationalized Bank showing clearly Name of Account holder, Account Number, IFSC Code of branch etc. Care should be taken in mentioning correct account number and IFSC Code.

Selection Procedure

** The concerned institute should verify every detail of the application confirmed by student. After confirming the correctness of information, institute has to confirm the application, secure print of the reports of all the eligible students and submit the same duly signed by Principal with institute seal along with necessary declaration to respective RBTE.

** RBTE will verify the document by constituting a three member committee headed by the Principal of a polytechnic and assisted by person not below the rank of lecturer and confirm the same online.

** SBTE will sort out the data of eligible candidates and display the provisional list of candidates to whom scholarship shall be awarded on its website.

** MSBTE will award the scholarships to candidates by transferring the scholarship amount to the bank accounts as informed by the candidate

Schedule Of Activities

1. Online application submission for Scholarship 01/12/2018 to 31/12/2018
2. Submission of Reports/documents by Institute to respective RBTE 01/01/2019 to 07/01/2019

3. Scrutiny and confirmation of application forms through three member committee at RBTE 08/01/2019 to 15/01/2019
4. Display of PROVISIONAL list of eligible candidates as per inter se merit to whom scholarship is to be awarded 22/01/2019

5. Reporting of Grievances, if any, from students, through Institute by respective RBTE to MSBTE 23/01/2019 to 31/01/2019
6. Display of FINAL list of candidates to whom scholarship is awarded 08/02/2019
7. Disbursement of Scholarship amount by RTGS/NEFT 15/02/2019

Notification :

Terms & Conditions

** If the earning member has expired and the student is in need of the scholarship, he or she shall be considered eligible at any stage of his/her diploma education so that the student should not drop out for want of tuition fees

** The Scholarship shall be continued for next year only on receipt of applicant from the awardee and has passed the end examination in First Class (both semesters taken together)

** The amount of Scholarship per year is Rs.7000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only)
** Candidate can apply whilst studying in Second year and Third Year subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria as that of first year.

Scholarship shall be awarded as per discipline wise merit among the applicants, passing first year and second year diploma examination result respectively against the discipline wise vacancies.

The total number of scholarships for second year and Third year should not exceed the maximum number of scholarships that can be issued in First year (i.e. total number of scholarship for each year of cause should not exceed 952.)

Categories Maharashtra

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