Horizon Academy HTHE Talent Hunt Scholarship Exam 2018 : horizonacademy.co.in

Organisation : Horizon Academy
Scholarship Name : HTHE 2018 Horizon Talent Hunt Exam Scholarship
Applicable For : Students of Classes V,VI,VII,VIII,IX & X
Exam Date : 16th December 2018
Website : https://www.horizonacademy.in/

Horizon Academy Talent Hunt Exam

Horizon Academy conducts HTHE 2018 Horizon Talent Hunt Exam Scholarship for Students of Classes V,VI,VII,VIII,IX & X.

Related : Pace Delhi-NCR Super 50 Scholarship Exam 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/32065.html

Exam Details

Date of Examination : 16th December 2016
Timing : 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM
Exam Fee : Rs. 100

Venue :
Horizon Academy
B-3/41A, Yamuna Vihar,
Wazirabad Road,
Near Bhajanpura Petrol Pump,
Delhi – 53

Terms & Conditions

** Incomplete form will be rejected. It is compulsory to attach photocopy of marksheet of class IX / X / XII and recent passport size photographs along with the admission form.

** It is compulsory for a student to attach a recent passport size photograph on the application form. Institute reserves the right to use the photograph and name of the student for publicity in all kinds of media, in case the student secures position / rank or succeeds in any Medical / Engineering Entrance Exams in India or any test at international level.

** The parents can meet the Centre-In-charge for any enquiry about their ward’s progress or any other problem concerning their ward with prior appointment only.

** A student after qualifying Admission cum scholarship Test and taking admission at HORIZON will be bound by the rules and regulations of the Institute in all matters whatsoever.

** Any change of address, mobile no. & e-mail address should be notified in writing to the office within 10 days
** A student who is late by 10 minutes for classes / tests, will not be allowed to enter the classroom.

** Any study material given during the classes or otherwise, will not be given to those students, who are absent without prior application from the parents. No request / personal appointments in this regard shall be entertained.

** If a student is absent or missed a test, he / she can collect his / her question paper from the office within 10 days from the date of the test, failing which the question paper will not be given to him / her.

** Students enrolled with HORIZON have to provide photocopy of Admit Card of various Medical / Engineering Entrance Exams., as soon as they receive their admit cards from the examining body before / during Test Series to be conducted in March, failing which the student shall not be allowed to attend free Test Series & will not be given Test papers.

** Once the name of a student is struck-off due to non-payment of fee for more than 3 weeks from the due date, the student shall have to pay Rs.500 for re-admission.

** If any student doesn’t pay the Installment of fee on due date, he / she will not be allowed to attend the classes after giving the grace of 7 days. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they pay the fee on due date.

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