AIRTF ASEAN India Research Training Fellowship 2019

Organization : Science and Engineering Research Board(SERB)
Fellowship Name : AI-RTF 2019 ASEAN India Research Training Fellowship
Applicable For : Nationality of any of the ASEAN Member State
Application Last Date : 31.12.2018
Website :

AISTIC ASEAN India Research Training Fellowship

The AIRTF scheme was introduced to promote scientific cooperation between India and ASEAN member countries.

Related / Similar Fellowship : AISTIC AI-RTF Fellowship 2020

It provides opportunities to researchers from ASEAN member countries to undertake research and training for period of 6 months at Academic and Research Institutions in India.


The AIRTF scheme is a fellowship scheme with the following objectives
** To promote mobility of scientists and researchers from the ASEAN-Member Countries to India and provide them opportunity to work at Indian R&D/ academic institutions to upgrade their research skills and expertise.

** To facilitate exchange of information and contacts between the scientists and researchers of India and ASEAN Countries and create a network for building research collaborations.


** Applicant must be holding nationality of any of the ASEAN Member State.
** Possess at-least a Masters Degree in any Natural Sciences or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied disciplines.

** Applicant should be working / studying and / or affiliated to any national R&D or academic institution in his/ her home ASEAN Member country.
** The upper age limit for the applicant is 45 years as on date of submission of application.
** Fluency in English language
** Indian nationals are not eligible for the Fellowship.

Application Procedure

Only online applications will be accepted. Hard copies of the application by post/ courier/ FAX are neither required nor will be considered.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of SERB provided above.
Step 2 : Then read the instructions carefully and then click on the “Apply Now” button in the page.

Step 3 : After that click on the “Login/Register” button in the home page.
Step 4 : Already registered user Username & Password for login.
Step 5 : If you are a new user then click on the “New User” button in the login page.

Step 6 : Fill the registration form with the required fields and click on Submit button
Step 7 : After complete your registration, you have to login and fill the remaining details to complete the application form.

Documents Required

The Applicant should submit the application online along with the following enclosures
** Copy of Relevant Pages of Passport
** Copy of an endorsement from present employer, duly filled in and signed, along with Signature of the applicant.

(Take a print out of the format of Endorsement of Present Employer appended at the end of the Application format and attach a scanned copy of the appropriately filled up document along with the application form).

** A copy of the letter / email from any Indian scientist/ institution with consent to accept you to work with them, if you get selected.

Areas Of Fellowship

Fellowship will be offered for working in research topics under any of the following broad disciplines
** Agricultural Sciences
** Biological and Medical Sciences
** Chemical Sciences & Engineering
** Computer Science & Engineering
** Physical Sciences and Mathematics
** Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
** Engineering Sciences
** Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy

** Science Policy / IPR Management / Technology Transfer & Commercialisation
** Other multi-disciplinary areas of Science, Technology and Innovation in alignment with APASTI.

Duration Of Fellowships

The duration of the Fellowship will be for a period of two to six months. A minor variation in the duration would be allowed on recommendations of the Indian host Institute/ University depending upon the actual requirement of the research project as mutually agreed between the Fellowship holder and the Indian host institution.

Application Last Date

The applications can be submitted at any time during the year. There is no specific Last Date for submitting the applications.The application will be processed in two cycles ending 30thJune and 31stDecember of each year. © 2022

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