CRG International PhD Fellowship Programme 2019 : Centre for Genomic Regulation

Organization : Centre for Genomic Regulation
Fellowship Name : CRG International PhD Fellowships Programme 2019
Applicable For : Candidates Of Any Nationality
Application Last Date : January 13, 2019
Website :

CRG International PhD Fellowships Programme

Centre for Genomic Regulation invites applications for CRG International PhD Fellowships Programme 2019.

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CRG International PhD Fellowships Programme, highly talented and motivated students, with backgrounds in biological or biomedical sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics and/or computer science.


** The call is open to candidates of any nationality.

** Candidates must have obtained a University Degree and a Masters Degree in biomedical sciences within the European Higher Education System (minimum 300 ECTS) or an equivalent University Degree that allows to start a PhD thesis in the candidate’s home country by September 2019.

Candidates who expect to be awarded with such degree by September 2019 are eligible to apply.
** Candidates must have an excellent academic record, previous research experience and a strong commitment for scientific research.
** Candidates must have a high working knowledge of English.

** Candidates invited to previous PhD call interviews are not eligible.
** Preferably, candidates may not have worked at the CRG for more than 6 months before the call Last Date.

How To Apply?

Applications must be submitted online. Candidates must register in order to use the online application system.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the following link [
Step 2 : Then click on the “Register/Login” link in the left side of the page.

Step 3
: Click on the “Create New Account” tab and fill the form with the required details

Step 4 : After that login to your account with the user name & password.
Step 5 : Next, fill the remaining details to complete the application.


** The online application form requests all of the necessary information for the initial stages of the selection process (General information, Education, Coursework, Honours, scholarships, prizes and awards, research experience, scientific interests and reference letters.)

** If the academic transcripts are not in Catalan, Spanish or English applicants should also attach a translation in one of the above mentioned languages.

** Applicants should select at minimum of 2 labs and a maximum of 5 in which they would like to work.
** Two reference letters will be automatically requested to the referees proposed by the candidate through the online system.

Call Calendar

Call opening October 31, 2018
Call Last Date January 13, 2019
Invitation for the interviews January 21-25, 2019
Oral interviews March 4-7, 2019
Notification to candidates March 11-15, 2019
Start date of fellowships October, 2019


CRG fellows will benefit from the CRG Research and Training Programme, which includes
** International scientific environment. CRG is located in Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a cluster for biomedical research in southern Europe, which includes several other biomedical research institutions and more than 1000 researchers

** Advanced research training (training-through research, specific scientific and technology courses and a variety of CRG seminars and CRG/PRBB conferences with international invited speakers)

** Career development activities (Courses@CRG, INTERVALS Programme offered to PRBB residents)
** Cutting- edge advanced core facilities
** Other initiatives and activities organised by the PRBB and CRG
** Student community activities (Annual Retreat & Annual Symposium)

Selection Process

Pre-selection : The pre-selection will be based on the candidate’s CV, reference letters and on the research interests. Complete applications will be reviewed within a month after the Last Date.

Oral interviews : Short-listed candidates will receive invitations to visit the CRG for the interviews that will take place 6-9 weeks after the application Last Date.

Fellowship offers : Offers will be made to the successful candidates shortly after the interview period. Selected students will have two weeks to accept the position and should start their fellowships no later than October 1st 2019.


For any additional information, please contact the CRG Academic Office at academicoffice [AT]

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