Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation 2019-20 Engineering Scholarship :

Organization : Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation
Scholarship Name : Engineering Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable For : Final year BE/BTech Students
Application Last Date : 25.11.2019
Website :

NS Foundation Engineering Scholarship

The Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is offering engineering scholarships to final year BE/BTech students for the academic year 2019-20.

Related : Fair & Lovely Foundation Scholarship 2019 :

Who Can Apply?

** You should be a Fourth Year engineering student studying in one of the 13 colleges that are part of the scholarship programme.
** You should have 75% and above in all the semesters.

** The scholarship is applicable only to students who are studying in colleges that are part of the scholarship programme.
** Students who have applied for other scholarships are also eligible to apply.

Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Engineering Scholarship 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation through the URL
Step 2 : Then click on the “Register” button in the right top corner of the home page.

Step 3 : Fill the registration form with the required details and upload your photo.
Step 4 : Finally click on “Register” button to complete your registration.

Note :
Shortlisted applicants will be required to come for a personal interview.

Documents Required

Documents to be attached :
** Scan of attested copies / originals of all mark sheets and certificates in support of your educational qualifications [Mandatory]
** Scan of attested copies / originals of MHT-CET/AIEEE/IIT-JEE Score cards
** Scan of attested copies / originals of Award letters of scholarships/ awards/ prizes received

** Scan of attested copies / originals of Certificate of participation at seminars/workshops/conferences
** Scan of attested copies / originals Bonafide certificate from college [Optional]
** Scan of attested copies / original college identity card

Excellence Award & Certificates Of Merit

One Excellence Award of Rs 1,00,000/- and two Certificates of Merit of Rs. 50,000/- each are offered to outstanding students from the fourth year engineering students of those engineering colleges included in the scholarship programme

Criteria For Merit :
The criteria for deciding merit is 75% and above in all examinations and the candidate’s overall performance in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities during the entire course


1. In the course of filling the application form, can one make changes to the application form?
Yes. One does have the option of saving the application form and completing the application process later or making changes to the information entered. To use this option, you need to click on the Save button.

However, once you submit your application, you will not be allowed to review your application.

2. Can the form be downloaded and sent by post?
The application form can only be submitted online.

3. Is there any specified size for the photograph that needs to be uploaded?
The photograph should be a passport size photograph of size less than 200 KB. Please ensure that the extension of the photo or snap should be in small letters i.e. *.jpg, *.gif, *.bmp, *.png

4. Will it be possible to get a copy of the application form?
Yes. Once you submit the application form, you will receive an E-mail confirmation with the copy of the form.

5. In case one doesn’t receive the E-mail with the Log in details, how does one complete the application form?
In case you don’t receive the E-mail with your log in details and temporary password, you can mail the Foundation at enggscholarships [AT] .

However, before that the following steps need to be followed :
** Check if you have received the mail in your Spam Folder
** If yes, mark it as ‘Not Spam’ so as to receive future E-mails/ communication from the Foundation in your Inbox.

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