UAS Bangalore Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship 2018-19 : University of Agricultural Sciences

Organisation : University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Scholarship Name : Smt. Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : 1st year B.Sc (Agri.) Students
Application Last Date : 15.12.2018
Website :

UAS Bangalore Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship

Applications are invited for the Award of Smt. Swarnamba. T.K. Gurusiddappa Scholarships B.Sc (Agri.) students for the Academic year 2018-19

Related :
UAS Bangalore Sharans Vedanth Scholarship 2018-19 :

UAS Bangalore Shakunthala Venkataswamy Scholarship 2018-19 :

UAS Bangalore R.N Lakshmipathi & Nagrathnamma Scholarship 2018-19 :

Who Can Apply?

a) Students studying in 1st year B.Sc (Agri.) degree only are eligible.
b) The income of the parent/guardian should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000 Per annum

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required fields (Copy of the latest income certificate issued by the competent authority should be enclosed)

Step 4 : The filled-in prescribed application form along with the necessary documents may be submitted to the concerned Dean on or before the last date.

Step 5 : The Deans are requested to forward the applications after scrutiny to reach this office on or before 20-12-2018 the detailed guideline for the award of the above Scholarship is enclosed for ready reference.

Application Format

Please fill the following details to complete the application form (Entries to be in block letters)
** Name of the college
** Name of the Applicant
** Class & Section
** ID No.
** Local Address
** Father’s name and address (or Guardian’s With relationship, if Father is not alive)

** Occupation and annual income of father or guardian (to be supported by income Certificate issued by competent authority).
** Whether you belong to Vokkaliga Community (IIIA) enclosed latest caste certificate issued by the competent revenue authority

** School or college from which the Applicant completed the PUC/Equivalent Examination
** Marks (%) obtained in PUC/Equivalent examination

** Has the applicant been awarded any free studentship or scholarship during this year (to be supported by Certificate*)
** Has the applicant received any financial help from any other sources? If so, mention nature and amount receiving

Note :
1. Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.

2. The holder of a concession must duly intimate to the Head of the Institution, any further help that he/she may receive from any charitable institution or endowment fund after this award.

3. If any of the particulars furnished by the applicant are found to be untrue, the applicant shall be liable for a penalty of forfeiting of all claims and concessions of any kind in the Colleges of the University and shall liable to be rusticated.

Last Date

Last date to submit the application for Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship 2018-19 is 15th December 2018 © 2022

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