UAS Bangalore Sharans Vedanth Scholarship 2018-19 : University of Agricultural Sciences

Organisation : University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Scholarship Name : Sharans Vedanth Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : Rural poor student of B.Sc.(Agri.) of UAS
Application Last Date : 15.12.2018
Website :

UAS Bangalore Sharans Vedanth Scholarship

Applications are invited from meritorious I B.Sc.(Agri.) students admitted during 2018-19 for the meritorious Kannada medium and rural poor student of UAS, Bangalore Endowment Scholarship for the Academic year 2018-19.

Related :
UAS Bangalore Shakunthala Venkataswamy Scholarship 2018-19 :

UAS Bangalore R.N Lakshmipathi & Nagrathnamma Scholarship 2018-19 :

UAS Bangalore Swarnamba T.K Gurusidappa Scholarship 2018-19 :


** Applicants parents annual income less than Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakhs only) are only eligible to apply for the scholarship (copy of the income certificate issued by the competent authority should be enclosed).

** The candidate must have been admitted to I year B.Sc.(Agri.) degree programme in Agricultural Sciences at UAS, Bangalore
** The candidate should hail from Kannada medium and the rural areas only and also must be from the family of practicing farmers.

** The candidate must have studied from 1st to 10th standard in the rural area. He/She must produce a certificate from the notified and competent school authority from where he studied.

Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Sharans Vedanth Scholarship 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required fields
Step 4 : The filled-in prescribed application form along with the necessary documents may be submitted to the concerned Dean on or before the last date.

Note :
1. Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.

2. The holder of a concession must duly intimate to the Head of the Institution, any further help that he/she may receive from any charitable institution or endowment fund after this award.

3. If any of the particulars furnished by the applicant are found to be untrue, the applicant shall be liable for a penalty of forfeiting of all claims and concessions of any kind in the Colleges of the University and shall liable to be rusticated.

Scholarship Amount

The value of the scholarship will be from out of the interest and on the sum of Rs. 1,60,000/- (Rupees one lakh sixty thousand only) being equally divided for 12 months. This will be worked out every year and notified.

Terms & Conditions

** This scholarship allotted such, should be terminable at any time of the academic year if the conduct, progress and attendance of the students is not satisfactory.

** The scholarship will be renewal for the II, III and IV year on satisfactory progress / promotion of the student.

** The renewal award of the scholarship during subsequent years will be in accordance with UAS regulations issued from time to time subject to maintenance of satisfactory progress, good conduct and regular attendance.

Last Date

Last date to submit the application for Sharans Vedanth Scholarship 2018-19 is 15th December 2018 © 2022

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