Coding Ninjas Admission & Scholarship Test 2018 :

Organisation : Coding Ninjas
Scholarship Name : Admission & Scholarship Test 2018
Exam Date : 24th December 2018
Website :

Coding Ninjas Admission & Scholarship Test

Coding Ninjas Admission and Scholarship Test. The test will be held on 24th November at 9 pm. You just need to pay Rs.99/-

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To motivate, reward and financially assist deserving students, Coding Ninjas is offering Admission & Scholarship Test. You can get up to 50% scholarship on our Foundation Courses (Online and Offline) via this test.

How to Register?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Coding Ninjas Admission & Scholarship Test 2018.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Coding Ninjas provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully and click on the Register link at the end of the page.

Step 3 : Please Login with Facebook or Google to continue with the registration
Step 4 : After login, fill the required details to complete the application form.

Test Details

Dec winter vacation batches & January Weekend batches :
1. Special fast-track Dec winter vacation batches mainly for outside Delhi students.
2. 2 Month Dec-Jan batches
3. January Weekend batches (Starting mid-January)
4. Offline & Online classroom courses. Scholarship Test Instructions Scholarship test will start at sharp

Test Fees

The registration fee for the test is INR 99. Learn programming with instructors graduated from Stanford University, IITs, IIITs. Professionals who have worked at bigwigs like Facebook, Amazon, Times Internet, Zillious etc.

The team which is a diverse mix of educators-turned-programmers and programmers-turned-educators.


1. We recommend you to use Google Chrome.
2. In the events (same place where you registered) go to the classroom to start your test.
3. The practice test is also live, you can practice on the same page.
4. You will be able to start the test at 9 PM Sharp.
5. The total number of problems are 25. Maximum Score 500.00

6. Duration of the test is 60 minutes. At 10:00 PM, the test will close automatically and your submitted answers will be evaluated. If you want to submit test before that, click on Submit Test.

7. Each question has only one correct answer.
8. Each question has equal weightage.
9. Make sure you press submit button (at the bottom of every question) individually for every question. If you want to submit test, you can click the submit test.
10. There is no negative marking for wrong /unattempted questions.

Note :
To start test go to link: Visit Classroom/Go To Classroom > Resume To Classroom > Scholarship Test (Left Panel). Now you can also practice our previous test: Visit Classroom/Go To Classroom > Resume To Classroom > Practice Test (Left Panel) All the best, Team Coding Ninjas

About Coding Ninjas :
There is a reason why we take pride in branding ourselves the best programming language institute in Delhi. Our instructors, graduates from Stanford University, IITs, IIITs, are Master craftsmen with years of industry experience at Facebook, Amazon, American Express, Times Internet, etc. © 2022

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