NSP Arunachal Pradesh Umbrella Scheme For Education 2019-20 : Post Matric Scholarship For ST Students

Organisation : Government of Arunachal Pradesh
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal 2.0 NSP
Scholarship Name : Umbrella Scheme for Education Post Matric Scholarship For ST Students 2019-20
Applicable For : ST Students
Applicable State : Arunachal Pradesh
Application Last Date : 12-12-2019 (Date is Extended)
Website : https://scholarships.gov.in/

NSP Umbrella Scheme Post Matric Scholarship

Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Children -Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST Students Arunachal Pradesh for the year 2019-20.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
NSP Arunachal Pradesh Umbrella Pre Matric Scholarship For ST 2019-20

Salient Features

** The State Government/UT Administration selects certain schools in different Districts/towns with hostel facilities which show excellence in performance of students from class IX to XII.

** The Ministry fixes the total number of awards for each State annually.
** Coaching starts from class IX in the identified schools and continues till the awardees complete class XII.

** Coaching is provided in languages, science, mathematics as well as special coaching for admission to professional courses like engineering and medicine.

** While selecting the ST students the aim is to include at least 30% girl students and 3% disabled students.
** The scheme provides for 100% central assistance to the States/UT’s.


** Scholarships are paid to students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum.
** All children of the same parents/guardian are eligible.

** Scheduled Tribe candidates who have passed the matriculation or higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education are eligible.

** The scholarships are available for the study of all recognized post matriculation or post- secondary courses in recognized institutions except certain identified training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses, Private Pilot Licence courses etc.

** Students studying through correspondence courses are eligible.
** Employed students on leave without pay for the entire duration of a full time course are eligible for course.

** The scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend.
** Students who have received coaching in any of the pre-examination training centres with financial assistance from the Government will not be eligible.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Umbrella Scheme for Education Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST Students -Arunachal Pradesh 2019-20

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of National Scholarship Portal through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Then Select State Schemes tab and Click on Arunachal Pradesh in the drop down list.

Step 3 : After that Click Apply link in the “Umbrella Scheme for Education & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students” under Arunachal Pradesh

Step 4 : It will redirect to the Login Page. Enter your Application Id, Password and Captcha for Login.

Step 5 : After Login to your account select the Scholarship scheme and fill the required details to apply for the scholarship.

Step 6 : If you are a New User then Click on the Register link in the Login Page.

Step 7 : Enter all required details for registration to get your user id and password. After register your account you can Login and apply the scholarship.

Step 8 : After complete your application you will get a confirmation message to your registered email id & mobile number.
Note : Application complete in all respects, shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution/School.

Guidelines :


1. A package grant of Rs. 19,500/- per students per year comprising the following
** Rs. 11,500/- per students per year as under Boarding & lodging charges @ Rs. 700/- Per monthe for 10 months – Rs. 7,000/-
** Pocket Money @ Rs. 200/- for 10 months Rs. 2,000/-

** Books and Stationery Rs. 2,500/-
** Rs. 8,000/- per year per student for honorarium to Principal, Experts and other incidental charges.

2. Besides the amount of scholarship, students with disabilities are also eligible for the additional grants provided in the Scheme.

Last Date

** Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Children -Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST Students Arunachal Pradesh is Open till 12-12-2019
** Defective Verification is Open till 25-12-2019
** Institute Verification is Open till 25-12-2019

View Comments (23)

  • I didn't got my scholarship yet whereas everyone from my state and institute got theirs. What possibly could be the reason???

  • Plz help me out. I found out that my AC no. Was mistaken giving CIF no... I enquired the institution. They told me to update the AC no. But I can't even login.. Why.. Plz reply

  • i didnt get my state level verified message. and how to check the status .. i couldnt login..?

  • How to send the nsp umbrella scheme verified application scanned copy - no mail address seen in the institute site

  • Sir ,i have already submitted it but i hv missed studentship certificate but i hv given bonafide certificate..will it work??

  • Our university cant find my name as well as my application ID for approving my scholarship. What should I do? Kindly help me out.

    • I have checked my scholarship status and it shows that My application has been rejected by state nodal officer..what should i do now..

  • Last year my daughter got only rupees 2000 but her friends were got 19,500 rupees. How this difference occurred, still I am puzzled.

  • The website for Umbrella Scholarship is down for maintenance. When will it be opened? Really stressed. I have not registered yet.

  • My NSP registration has not been verified by my institution but some of my friends registrations have got verified successfully. Is there any solution? Please help.

  • I have done my registration successfully but it can't be verified through my institution. The administration department of my institution told me that its not their fault then whom should I blame now because I have submitted all the necessary documents correctly, & even I had received the confirmation SMS as well as pages while registering. So if anyone have any idea, please do share.

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