Resonance ANUMAAN 2018-19 : Predict Your Board Percentage & Win Scholarship

Organisation : Resonance Eduventures Limited
Scholarship Name : ANUMAAN 2018-19 Predict your Board Percentage % & Win Scholarship & Cash Prize
Applicable For : Students, Teachers & Principals
Website :

Resonance ANUMAAN

“ANUMAAN” is a competition, where you predict your own percentage in class 10th & 12th (Maths & Bio) and WIN prizes based on accuracy of your prediction.

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Students with the best predictions will win the cash prizes and scholarship in Resonance (JEE Main, Pre-Medical and PSPD Division at Kota).

Who Can Participate?


** Students who are in class 10th.
** Students who are in class 12th (Math and Bio Stream only)
** Student can be of any National, State, Open or International Board within Indian Territory.
** Can be of any medium.
** Parents can also participate on behalf of students


** Teaching Mathematics and Science in class 10th
** Teaching Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology in class 12th
** Of any National, State, Open or International Board within Indian Territory
** Can be of any medium.


** Of schools, where students are studying in class 10th.
** Of schools, where students are studying in class 12th (Math or Bio only).
** Of any National, State, Open or International Board within Indian Territory.

How To Participate?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the ANUMAAN 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : The participant (Student, Teacher, Principal) will have to submit his details and prediction online through the form link given below.

Step 2 :
** Students will have to fill their expected % Score in upcoming board exam (10th or 12th).

** Principals will fill their expected % of students, who will pass the respective class (Minimum 50 students in class 10th & 25 each in 12th Maths & 12th Bio) and to be entered separately

** Teachers will have to fill their expected % of students, who will pass in their subject in respective class and to be entered separately for class 10th, 12th (Maths & Bio)

Step 3 : After entering the prediction first time, the participant will be allowed to modify his prediction only once again, between 01-Jan-19 to 31-Jan-19.

Step 4 : After result declaration you will have to submit the actual % score for final evaluation and declaration of winner.



Student Awards :
** To be given Class wise for class 10th and 12th (Maths & Bio Stream)
** To be Awarded till Best 100 Predictions: Total 200 Awards
** Admission Form Scholarship (50% to All 200 students)
** Fee Scholarship (5% scholarship to all winners in addition to any other scholarship in JEE (Main) & Pre-Medical and PSPD Courses at Kota.

Teacher Awards :
** To be given again class wise (Class 10, 12-Sc) & Subject Wise (M, Sc & PCMB)
** To be awarded till Best 6 teachers: total 60 Awards
** Every winning teacher can recommend 5 students for 5% scholarship in addition to any other scholarship in JEE (Main) & Pre-Medical & PSPD Courses at Kota

Principals Awards :
** To be given again class wise for Class 10, 12-Sc
** To be awarded till Best 10 Schools: total 20 Awards
** 10 Students can be recommended for 10% Scholarship in addition to any other scholarship in JEE (Main), Pre-Medical & PSPD Courses at Kota

Cash Prize

Student Awards Teacher Awards Principals Awards
Position Count Award (Rs) per winner Count Award (Rs) per winner Count Award (Rs) per winner
Rank 1 2 21000 6 21000 2 50000
Rank 2 2 15000 6 15000 2 30000
Rank 3 2 11000 6 11000 2 20000
Rank 4 to 5 14 7500 12 7500 4 10000
Rank 6 to 10 30 5000 10 5000
Rank 11 to 25 30 5000
Rank 26 to 50 50 2000
Rank 51 to 100 100 1000


** The prediction will be allowed twice. The second prediction should be entered before 31-Jan-19. That shall be considered final prediction.

** The best prediction will be calculated using 3 factors
i. Accuracy of Prediction : Absolute variation between Predicted % and Actual %. Lower variation will be considered superior. Both negative and positive variations will be treated as same.

ii. Age of Prediction
: No of days between date on which prediction was submitted and actual result. Earlier prediction will be considered superior than late prediction.

iii. Value of actual %
: Higher percentage will be considered superior.
** In case of tie, the younger student will be given higher rank.
** Aggregate score of all subjects in mark sheet will considered for comparison against prediction.

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