MAMTA HIMC Research Fellowship On Public Health & Adolescence 2018 : Institute for Mother & Child

Organisation : MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child (HIMC)
Fellowship Name : Research Fellowship On Public Health & Adolescence 2018
Applicable For : MD/MS/PhD degree Students
Application Last Date : 30.11.2018
Website :

MAMTA HIMC Research Fellowship

MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child invites applications for Research Fellowship On Public Health & Adolescence 2018.

Related : Tata Memorial Centre ACTREC JRF Junior Research Fellowship 2019 :


The key objectives of the scheme are to
** Strengthen and develop research in adolescent health and development
** Building the research capacity of students and researchers working in the area of public health

** Increase collaboration with National and International research partners
** Produce high quality outputs that deliver impact to the community

Eligibility Requirements

1. Academic Qualifications : The applicant must be enrolled for a full time study in MD/MS/PhD degree program in a relevant discipline of medical science (Pediatrics, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, or Community Medicine), social science, public health & allied areas, from a recognized University/Institution in India.

2. Age Limit : Less than 40 years

Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Research Fellowship On Public Health & Adolescence 2018.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child provided above.

Step 2 : Then download the “Application Form” from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and Application in the prescribed format along with all the documents must be submitted in two hard and one soft copy should reach on or before November 30, 2018 at the following address

Dr. Umang P. Salodia
Fellowship Coordinator
MAMTA-Health Institute for Mother and Child,
B-5, Greater Kailash Enclave II,
New Delhi – 110048
Telephone- 91-11-29220210/20/30/ 8447931778
Email – mamtafellowship [AT]

Note : The envelope must mention “Application/Proposal for Fellowship” on top.

Documents Required

** Applications along with a research proposal/protocol on the prescribed format (Annexure 1) should be submitted.

This research proposal must include your topic of study, objectives, study design and outlines the research question within a framework, location, proposed methodology, implications of the research for public health programmes and policies and detailed timeline (Annexure-2) and budget (Annexure-3).

** Certificate of Institutional Ethical Clearance
** Proof of enrolment in MD/PhD degree
** Age proof

** Support letter from Head of the Institution/Department for efficient use of fellowship
** CV of the applicant and his/her guide/ co-guide along with publications in the relevant area of research must be enclosed

** A short note (maximum 500 words) on the relevance of this fellowship for your career advancement in adolescent health and development.

Structure Of Fellowship

Grant Sizes :
** Up-to 10 research fellowships will be awarded annually. This includes five awards for MD and five for PhD students.

** The centre will provide fellowship amount up to INR 1 lakh for all research activities, and up to INR 50,000 to be granted for publication support in peer-reviewed national/international journal.

Financial support under the fellowship will include the following :
** Primary data collection
** Documentation (e.g. report writing)
** Contingencies (stationary/photocopies/ printouts/courier and subscription charges)

** Travel and cost related with short term course related to research (data analysis, study design, how to write scientific article etc) .

Selection Criteria

The evaluation and selection for award of Fellowship will be guided by the following parameters
1) Relevance of the topic
2) Clarity of the research question and scope
3) Study design/Methodology for data collection
4) Background of the Candidate and Guide/Principal investigator (PI)
5) Institutional Ethical Clearance

Last Date

Last date to submit the application form is 30th November 2018.

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