Organization : Department of State Education Research and Training
Scholarship Name : NMMS National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship 2015-16
Applicable For : Class 8th Students Only
Applicable State : Karnataka
Application Last Date : 07.09.2015
Exam Date : 08.11.2015
Application Fee : No Application Fee
Exam Fee: Rs.30 For GM & OBC Categories | Rs.15 For SC & ST Categories
Website :
Application Form :
National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship :
Under this scheme, it is proposed to award 100,000 scholarships to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs.1,50,000/- per annum from all sources.
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DSERT Karnataka NTSE Result 2015
Each State / UT shall have fixed quota of scholarship which will be decided on the basis of enrolment of students in Class VII and VIII in the State/UT concerned and population of children of concerned age group of class VII and VIII. The scheme would provide reservation to different categories of students as per the State / UT norms; as different States / UTs have their own norms of reservation. However, the total number of scholarships to a particular State/UT may be restricted to the allocation made by the Central Government.
These scholarships will be provided quarterly to the students studying as regular students in class IX in government, local body and government-aided schools. The scholarships will be paid from class IX till class XII for a maximum period of four years.
Procedure for Selection of Awardee Students:
Each State / UT will conduct its own test for selection of students for the award of the Means-cum-Merit Scholarship.
The State Level Examination may consist of the following two tests:
(i) Mental Ability Test (MAT)
(ii) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Mental Ability Test may consist of 100 multiple-choice questions testing verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. The questions in the test may be on analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, hidden figures etc.
Scholastic Aptitude Test may consist of 100 multiple-choice questions covering subjects namely, science, social studies and mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.
Duration of the Test:
Each test will be of 90 minutes duration. Children with disability will be given extra time, as applicable.
NCERT will provide a uniform set of guidelines to all State/UTs for carrying out the examination and promote evenness of evaluation.
General Eligibility Conditions:
An Awardee is eligible for the scholarship provided he/she:
(i) takes up studies in approved courses.
(ii) maintains good conduct as certified by the Head of the College / Institution and continues his/her studies as a regular student in Government / Local Body / Government aided school.
(iii) does not absent himself / herself without proper leave.
(iv) takes up studies on a whole time basis.
(v) does not take up any job.
No scholarship shall be available for studies abroad for any course.
No claim for scholarship arrears will be entertained after the expiry of 12 months of the academic session for which one has applied for the claim.
In case any awardee leaves his/her course of study within one month of registration/admission, no scholarship shall be paid to him her.
In case awardee is not able to appear at the annual examination due to serious illness, one should send the medical certificate through the Head of the Institution within three months of one’s falling ill. The duration of illness should be clearly certified by a specialist, who is a Registered Medical Practitioner. The facility will be available to the awardee to continue the same course in which one is studying provided the principal or the head of the institution certifies that the overall performance of the awardee during the year is 50% or above.
The awardee must join the next class/desired course within 3 months of the declaration of the result of the previous class/course.
Scholarship shall be deemed to be discontinued with any gap of one academic session in studies at any time due to any reason.
Scholarship once discontinued on the basis of the rules of disbursement scholarship cannot be revived under any circumstances.
All rules are subject to change from time to time, as and when required, which will be binding on all awardees.
Important Dates :
The last date to submit filled in application to Block Education Office is 07.09.2015
First State Level Examination is 08.11.2015
View Comments (53)
I am from Navalagund and I am studying 10th standard. I am selected for this scholarship but, I have not received the amount yet.
I have qualified in the exam held in 2014. I have not yet received the scholarship. When will I receive it? Please tell me.
I wrote the exam and I am waiting for the scholarship.
Till today the scholarship amount is not credited to my account. When will I receive it?
I had secured a 28th rank ,but still scholarship amount is not credited my account. Now I'm studying 10th std & trying for the NTSE.
NMMS DISTRICT WISE RESULT OF 2015-16 is not found in the website DSERT.
Till now the scholarship amount is not credited in my account. When will I receive it. Please let me know.
When will NMMS 2016-17 result be announced?
My id no is 141160550192.
When will you credit the scholarship amount for 2014-15?
Is it applicable for Private school?
I have passed in nmms in 2014. Still didnt get any scholarship amount. Can you tell me when scholarship will be credited to my account? Why still it became late to provide amount?
What is the link of NMMS results?
Any scholarship is available for 10th students?
When will applications are available for NTSE exam? What are the eligibility criteria and amount of scholarship? Please give me all details about date of application, last date.
I wrote my exam in 2015, and I am still waiting for the results and my sister wrote her exam two yrs before still there is no information about the results and the scholarship. Can I know what is the problem of this delay?
No scholarship amount credited in the bank account of NMMS exam passed students since last year. Why?
I'm trying to know about the results of NMMS 2015-16 karnataka from last few months. When will I get to know about that?
NMMS Nov 2015 result get declared in the website
Please tell us when can we get our NMMS result of 2015?
Please announce the NMMS result. Its too late when compared to last years.
Please give the date of NMMS results.
Please declare the result for NMMS. Register no : 141150820167
When do we get our result?
When I can see may NMMS result?
My id is KA201516003808194. When will I get money? Can anyone tell me?
When will you declare NMMS Result of Karnataka?
When will you declare Nmms result of Karnataka?
When will you declare NMMS result of Karnataka?
Still I could not find NMMS result in the official website.
On which date NMMS result will be announced?
Nov 2015 NTSE final selection list is available in the official website.
We did written exam in November 2015. When is the results date? Please help me.
Only NTSE results are officially announced.
Help me in NMMS result 2015-16.
NMMS result is not yet declared.
I want Nmms exams result help me..
On which date nmms results will be announced?
NTSE & NMMS Key Answers for 2015 Exam is available in the below pdf.
When is the result of nmms exam?
I need to pass Nmms exam
What is the criterion for selection to Stage-II examination?
There is quota earmarked for all the states/UTs. The state quota is computed on the basis of the students enrolment at secondary level with a minimum of 10 for UT and 25 for state.
I received only two years nmms scholarship. Now i am studying degree 1st year. How can i get another two years scholarship?
I would like to thanks for all idea support ,giving us this kinds of precious chance
Which standard students can apply this scholarship?
Whether primary school teacher's children are eligible for nmms exam? Annual income is 2.5 laks.
Candidates must secure 55% marks in class 7th annual Examination.
What is the status of my complaint no. 201508020603?