disabilityaffairs.gov.in 2015-16 Prematric & Post Matric Scholarship : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Organization : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Scholarship Name : Prematric & Post Matric Scholarship 2015-16
Applicable For : Students with Disabilities
Applicable State : All India

Website : https://depwd.gov.in/
Scholarship Details: https://depwd.gov.in/
Apply Online : http://www.scholarships.gov.in/main.do

Application for Scholarships :

The last date for submission of applications from eligible students with disabilities for Pre-matric Scholarship, Post-matric Scholarship & Top Class Education on National e-Scholarship Portal (NeSP) for the year 2015-16 is extended from 31st August, 2015.

Update :
NSP Post-Matric Scholarship For Students With Disabilities 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/25453.html

Financial Assistance under National Fund For Persons with Disabilities : www.scholarships.net.in/27479.html

Accordingly, all eligible Students/Schools/Colleges/State/UT Governments are requested to register and submit application along with necessary document on www.scholarships.gov.in

Prematric & Post Matric Scholarship 2015-16:
These two schemes have been launched by the Department of Disability Affairs during the current Financial Year 2014-15. The objectives of the schemes are to provide financial assistance to the parents of students with disabilities for studying in the pre-matric level and post-matric level. The financial assistance includes scholarship, book grant, escort/reader allowance, etc.

Number of scholarships to be granted every year is 46,000 for pre-matric level and 16,650 for post-matric level. Selection of the beneficiaries under these two scholarship schemes is on the basis of merit after the recommendation of the Governments of State or Union Territories. These schemes will be implemented on-line basis through a web-portal which is yet to be ready.

General Conditions for both pre-matric and post-matric scholarship schemes:
(i) The scholarships are open to nationals of India only.
(ii) The students having less than 40% disability (Certified by competent medical authority of the state Governments/UTs.) are not eligible.
(iii) Not more than two disabled children of the same parents will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme. Provided in case the second child is a twin, the scholarship under this scheme will be admissible to both the twins.
(iv) Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, she / he would not get scholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year

(v) A scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend. If awarded any other scholarship/stipend, the student can exercise his/her option for either of the two scholarships/stipends, whichever is more beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution about the option made.

No scholarship will be paid to the students under this scheme from the date he/she accepts another scholarship/stipend. The student can however, accept free lodging or a grant or ad-hoc monetary help from the State Government or any other source for the purchase of books, equipment or for meeting the expenses on board and lodging in addition to the scholarship amount paid under this scheme.

(vi) Scholarship holders who are receiving coaching in any of the pre-examination training centres with financial assistance from the Central Government/ State Government will not be eligible for stipend under the coaching schemes for the duration of the coaching programme

For Pre-matric scholarship :
She/he should be a regular, full time student studying in class IX or X in a Government school or in a school recognized by Govt. or by a Central/State Board of Secondary Education.

For post-matric scholarship :

(i) These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post-matriculation or post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions: “Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses and Private Pilot license Courses. Courses at Training – Ship Dufferin (Now Rajendra), courses of training at the Military College, Dehradun, courses at Pre-examination Training Centres of all India and State levels.”

(ii) Only those candidates who have passed the Matriculation or Higher Secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education will be eligible.

(iii) Courses at the level of post-graduate degree/diploma/ certificate are not covered under this scheme.

(iv) Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in different subject e.g. B.Com. after B.A. in other subject will not be eligible.

(v) Students who are pursuing two different courses of study simultaneously can avail the scholarship for any one course only provided pursuance of such courses are permissible under the rules/regulations of the Educational Authority concerned.

(vi) Students studying in Class XI of the Higher Secondary School courses of the XII Class of the Multipurpose High School will not be eligible for it being a continuous school course. However, in cases where Xth class examination of such courses is treated as equivalent to Matriculation and students who after passing Xth class join other courses, such students will be treated as postmatric students and will be eligible for the award of scholarships.

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