CSIR JRF GATE Fellowship : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

Organisation : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Fellowship Name : JRF GATE Fellowship
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website : http://csirhrdg.res.in/

CSIR JRF GATE Fellowship

To promote academic excellence in CSIR labs and to generate high level science, the scheme is aimed at GATE qualified engineering graduates and GPAT qualified pharmaceutical graduates to pursue research through a suitable PhD programme in AcSIR or in any other institution.

Related :
CSIR SPMF Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship : www.scholarships.net.in/30725.html

CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship : www.scholarships.net.in/30720.html

These fellowships are tenable only at CSIR laboratories and JRFs selected under this scheme will have excellent opportunity to work with CSIR Scientists with state-of-art R&D facilities.

Who Can Apply?

1. BE/B. Tech degree holders in engineering discipline with valid GATE score
2. Candidates with B.Pharm degree and having qualified GPAT
3. Candidates with B.Tech in Biotechnology with valid GATE score and subject to securing a minimum 85.00 percentile in GATE.

4. Candidates selected for the award of JRF-GATE will be eligible for fellowship subject to getting registered/enrolled for PhD/Integrated PhD program.

Who Are Not Eligible?
** Candidates with ME/M. Tech degree;
** All those eligible for direct CSIR-SRF are not eligible to apply for JRFGATE

Guidelines :

Age Limit :
The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years which is relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, OBC, women and physically handicapped applicants.

Stipend & Tenure

** The fellowship amount is Rs 25000/-per month plus HRA.In addition, contingency grant of Rs.20,000/- per annum (calculated on pro rata basis for fraction of a year) is also provided.

** Further on completion of two years as JRF-GATE, the fellowship may be upgraded to SRF-GATE and stipend may be increased to Rs. 28000/- per month in the subsequent years on the basis of assessment as per CSIR JRFNET guidelines.

** The total duration of fellowship is five years within which the candidate is expected to complete the PhD degree.

Selection Procedure

** The recommendations duly approved by Director are to be forwarded to Head, HRDG, along with all necessary supporting documents (viz. copy of the notification, GATE/GPAT scorecard, selection proceedings, biodata of the selected candidate(s), mark sheets, DoB certificate, Caste certificate, etc.).

** A formal award letter will be issued by CSIR-HRDG after scrutinizing and verifying the relevant documents.

** Each CSIR laboratory participating in Integrated M.Tech.-PhD programme of AcSIR may award a maximum of 5 (five) fellowships under CSIR JRF-GATE Scheme.

** The number of JRF-GATE fellowships awarded will not exceed 120 in a year. No candidate should be offered fellowship under JRF-GATE scheme without prior approval from HRDG (CSIR).

** JRF-GATE fellowship scheme is tenable only in CSIR laboratories. Students awarded JRF-GATE fellowship can get register for PhD in any institution including AcSIR.

** GATE qualified engineering graduates who wants to pursue Integrated MTech-PhD programme will be registered in AcSIR only. As the JRF-GATE fellowship is awarded for pursuing PhD and therefore there will be no automatic exit after M.Tech.

Reservation :
Each laboratory would maintain records with regard to reservation (e.g. for 25 JRF-GATE in a 5 year tenure, the distribution is as follows UR-15, OBC-6, SC-3, ST-1 & PWD horizontal).

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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