CSIR SPMF Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship : csirhrdg.res.in

Organisation : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Fellowship Name : SPM Fellowship Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Applicable For : Toppers of CSIR-UGC JRF (NET) awardees
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website : https://csirhrdg.res.in/

CSIR Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship

To commemorate the birth centenary year (2000) of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, CSIR has instituted a special fellowship, namely, “DR. SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE (SPM) FELLOWSHIP” open to toppers of CSIR-UGC JRF (NET) awardees

Related : CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship : www.scholarships.net.in/30720.html

Nature of Fellowship

Stipend :
Rs.29000/- + HRA per month during the first two years of the fellowship and a Contingency grant of Rs.70000/- p.a. May be raised to Rs.34000/- + HRA per month from third year onwards on the basis of assessment through interview. May be reverted to JRF (NET), if performance is not found satisfactory.

Duration :
Initially for 2 years. Extendable as per normal rules for CSIR JRF (NET) scheme. The maximum tenure of SPM Fellowship will be up to 5 years.

Contingent Grant

** An annual contingent grant of Rs.70,000/- per fellow is provided to the University/Institution. For less than one year, the contingent grant will be admissible on pro-rata basis

** Part of this grant may be utilized in the interest of research work, purchase of books, etc. and the detailed guidelines for utilization of contingency grant are given in Annexure-I.

Download Annexure-I :

** The CSIR Research Fellows will be given Rs.3000/- (lump sum) extra on submission of PhD thesis in e-form.

Selection process

Shyma Prasad Mukherjee (SPM) Fellowships will be awarded through interview mode.

Eligibility Criteria for calling candidates for interview :
A maximum of 10 SPM Fellowships each in Chemical Sciences and Life Sciences, and 5 each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be awarded through interview mode.

Candidates in ratio of 1:3 will be called for interview in each subject.
** Category-wise number of candidates to be called for interview is based on reservation policy, i.e. 27% for OBC, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and 3% for PWD.

** Top 14 candidates each in Chemical and Life Sciences, and 7 candidates each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences in unreserved category will be taken from combined merit list of General/OBC/SC/ST/PWD.

** Top 8 candidates each in Chemical and Life Sciences, and 4 candidates each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be taken from OBC category.

A maximum relaxation of 5% of the cut off of the 14th/7th candidates of unreserved category will be given to OBC candidates subject to short listing of a maximum of 8/4 candidates for interview in the respective subject.

** Top 5 candidates each in Chemical and Life Sciences, and 2 candidates each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be taken from SC category.

A maximum relaxation of 10% of the cut off of the 14th/7th candidates of unreserved category will be given to SC candidates subject to short listing of a maximum of 5/2 candidates for interview in the respective subject.

** Top 2 candidates each in Chemical and Life Sciences, and 1 candidate each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be taken from ST category.

A maximum relaxation of 10% of the cut off of the 14th/7th candidates of unreserved category will be given to ST candidates subject to short listing of a maximum of 2/1 candidates for interview in the respective subject.

** Top 1 candidate each in Chemical and Life Sciences Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be taken from PWD category.

A maximum relaxation of 10% of the cut off of the 14th/7th candidates of unreserved category will be given to PWD candidates.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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