2015-16 Uploading Documents For Disbursal Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme For Jammu & Kashmir : All India Council For Technical Education

Organization : All India Council For Technical Education
Scholarship Name : 2015-16 Uploading Documents For Disbursal Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme For Jammu & Kashmir
Applicable States : Jammu and Kashmir
Website :

Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme :

Instructions For Uploading Documents For Disbursal Of Scholarship Under Special Scholarship Scheme For Jammu & Kashmir Through DBT,

Related / Similar Post : AICTE PMSSS FAQs

I. All the provisionally eligible candidates for PMs SSS 2015-16, whose name appears in the FINAL MERIT LIST and have been allotted seats through the centralized counselling held during 23rd July to 11th August, 2915 at Jammu and Srinagar, are requested to upload all relevant documents for processing to release Scholarship as per the existing provisions under the scheme.

Procedure to upload the documents:
** Login with to AICTE Portal at using your User Name/ Email and Password used to create Application for JK SSS -2015-16
** Under the Tab “Basic Details” , submit your personal details
** Under the Tab “Institute Details”, submit the details of the Institute and Fee paid under different heads.
** Under the Tab “Bank Details” , submit the details of the Savings Bank Account

Under the Tab “Attachments” , attach following documents :
1. Joining report in the allotted college. (Annexure A)

2. Fee Receipts (Tuition / Hostel/ other incidental charges) for the Academic Year for which the scholarship is being claimed as per Annexure-I

3. In case if student not residing in the Hostel:-
a) Certificate From University/Institute regarding Reasonability of Rent claimed as per Annexure-II

4. Book receipts in the name of students detailing names of books purchased for the Academic Year for which the scholarship is being claimed and duly attested by the Authorized signatory of the Institute.

5. Copy of first page of Bank Pass Book clearly indicating followings:
a) Name of Account holder With Photograph b) Name and Address of the Bank
c) IFSC Code, CBS Code d) Bank Account Number

6. Copy of Aadhar Card (If Available)

II. All the provisionally eligible candidates for PMs SSS 2015-16, whose name appears in the FINAL MERIT LIST and have taken admission to Graduate Level Courses in Academic Year 2015-16 on their own merit within the sanctioned intake in any of the following category of Institutes ONLY, are also requested to upload all relevant documents as stated above :
1. Centrally Funded Institutes located outside the state of J&K (Like IITs, NITs, Central Universities etc)

2. AICTE approved Institutions located outside the state of J&K and having NBA accredited course.

3. Institutions approved by UGC under section 12B & 2f and located outside the state of J&K

4. Students taking admissions under MEDICAL STREAM in Institutions approved by respective regulatory authority and located outside the state of J&K

The detailed instruction regarding the disbursal process may be seen at

View Comments (137)

    • Helpline Number for students under PMSSS 2017-18 is 0120-2446701 (between 09:30 am till 05:30 pm Monday to Saturday)

  • My rank is 30 in merit level. Will I get MBBS or should I choose Engineering? Please suggest me a college.

  • I have scored 82 percentage marks in year 2017. Am I eligible to get the scholarship?

  • How can college authority send continuation certificate for claiming 2nd installment in PMSSS? There is no option in the website. Kindly help me.

  • I have submitted documents for change of college from KIIT Bhuvneshwar to University institute of engineering Mohali, Chandigarh and submitted documents on 11-01-2017. I was selected during session 2015-16 and now in second year. Kindly reply.

  • My candidate id is 20151973. I have uploaded some of my documents on my email like aadhaar card, joining report and bank pass book. But I didn’t get renewal link on my email to upload all my other documents. So what can I do for uploading all the documents? Please help me.

  • My candidate id is 20454782. I have upload some of my documents on my email like aadhaar card, joining report and bank pass book. But I didn't get renewal link on my email to upload all my other documents. So what can I do for uploading all the documents? Please help me.

  • I want to say that if we have any problem regarding this we can take help each other. So I am going to make a group on FB with the name of J&K PMSSS Batch 2015-16. Please try to add it.

  • I have got admissions in 2015. My candidate id is 20153782. I have got scholarship of previous year. Now I uploaded my documents from AICTE. I receive email that your application form has submitted successfully but every other students got approval of email and in my payment details it shows no records found. Please tell me the problem.

  • I belong to 2015-16 batch. I am studying now in 3rd sem. Under the tab attachments, tab for the free uploading didn't come. What should I do now?

  • I am in third semester now and I have uploaded all the documents but still I have not got the scholarship. Please look into the matter.

    Candidate Id-20174031

  • I am in 3rd semester. I have submitted all my documents but I was not aware about the promotion certificate and continuation certificate due to which AICTE has rejected my form. What shall I do now? Please reply.

  • I am in 3rd Semester but I have received my only 1st sem scholarship. I have uploaded all my documents. What can I do now?
    Batch 2015
    Candidate Id : 20171451

  • When I uploaded my documents I didn't have my aadhaar card. I just uploaded my aadhaar slip. At present I have aadhaar card. How can I upload my aadhaar card and adhaar no?

  • My attachments are uploaded by the college and verified too when I got the scholarship. My college is asking me about the fee every day and my fine is becoming more day by day and I got some news about new procedure of calming scholarship. Please tell me as soon as possible.

  • After uploading and submitting the documents of the 2nd year, I have received a massage from the AICTE to resubmit the application form when I resubmit the application form then it doesn't show the details of the fee structure. So what can I do?

  • I have submitted the joining report in place of bank passbook by mistake and now there is no more option to change it. So please tell me what I have to do?

  • Candidate ID : 20263602
    Under the tab attachments, tab for fee uploading didn't come.
    What can I do know?

  • I want to upload documents for 3rd Smester but according to new procedure the institution has to upload documents and they will receive a instituition id and password. But unfortunately they haven't received any such kind of mail from Aicte. So please sort out this problem.

  • I was recently told that the tuition fee from my scholarship amount has been released to my account, but I didn't receive any such amount. I was also told that I haven't uploaded my rental certificate, but I have uploaded it as well as all other documents that were mentioned in the scholarship form. Please look into the matter and tell me why I'm being told that I haven't uploaded the certificate, as I didn't get any such e-mail from AICTE to notify me about any pending upload. Also, please look into the matter why my scholarship amount hasn't been released yet.
    I have also contacted the AICTE officials at Delhi and they told me that my application is under process and my scholarship amount will be released soon, but it hasn't been released yet.
    I request you to look into the matter and sort it out. I'm in need of scholarship amount.
    Thanking you in anticipation,
    Yours sincerely,
    Sayar Ul Hassan,
    Batch: 2015-16
    Candidate ID: 20162069
    Course: B.Tech
    Institute: Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad

  • Candidate id : 20178307
    College id: 31715

    Document attachment's fee uploading option not came. What do I do?

  • I'm the student belongs to batch 2014-15. I year scholarship had been released to the college but 2nd year scholarship has not been released yet,I've uploaded all the required documents but there is a problem that I'm facing on my DBT form. There is an option to proceed for further year. It doesn't working. So what should I do?

  • Presently I am studying in Gujarat state under pmsss of batch 2015-16. I have uploaded all my documents on aicte web portal for dbt four months ago but there happens a problem in details. I have further applied for dbt on 24th of September. Now I want to know how much time it will take to release scholarship amount?

  • I have registered for renewable scholarship for the year 2016. So to get registered onsile it shows serial no to fill. What it stands for? Which one is the serial number?

  • I upload my bank detail and aadhaar card copy but not to know where I upload my hostel fee receipt and stationary receipt.

  • I have submitted all my documents of 1st semester but there is no any option to upload my documents for further semesters. Please tell me what can I do.

  • I am from Kupwara Srinagar (j & k). I read in b pharmacy 3rd year at Gujarat. I don.t receive my email id and password. How can I check my email and password?
    R/o Trehgam Kupwara (j&k)

  • I upload all my documents but I didn't receive my scholarship 2015-2016. Please tell me why my scholarship has not come in my account.

  • I got admission through JKSSS 2015-2016 under scholarship ID 20169083 in RAYAT BAHRA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND NANO TECHNOLOGY ,HOSHIARPUR PUNJAB. I want to say that the list regarding the scholarship status 2015-2016 uploaded shows that my claim under S.No 1483 and ID 20169083 has been released on 30-06-2016 but till the date 09-09-2016 ,I haven't got the claim in my Account No 0206001500063678 for second semester. I have also sent mail regarding this issue on email id jkadmission2015[AT] with the attachment of my updated account details and the uploaded list of scholarship status 2015-2016 but I got no reply. Please look into matter and give me the direction what to do.

  • I have received my scholarship for the year 2015-2016. Now I want to go for renewal but it doesn't show any renewal link when I login via my id. Even it doesn't show any option for uploading 2nd semester report card. I am confused don't know when and how will I go for renewal. I am in 2nd year now #3rd semester.

    • Its very simple.
      Login via your email id and password and click on proceed and then change your credentials for the first time and after then use your new credentials for further login.
      When you login again click on proceed and then upload your all documents.

  • Last time I got my name in the list of pending documents 2014-15. I have sent all the required documents to you in Delhi head office twice last month but I didn't get any reply from the office regarding my scholarship. Please tell me what to do for this? Please pay attention.

  • Anybody knows under AY- 2015-16 Candidate has to upload the promotion certificate. If yes then where to upload this certificate?

  • What is the procedure for students who opted for admission through 'on their own' route?
    Please reply if anybody knows.

  • I got scholarship in 2014-2015 session but when I upload my document it shows that id doesn't exist. Please give my email id and password so I would upload my document.
    Candidate id : 46381

    • I upload my data of my scholarship but I did not received any password through which I upload my document. Please give password. So that I would upload my document. When I upload my document it shows that candidate id doesn't exist.
      Candidate id : 46381
      2014-2015 session
      Institution name : Swami-swantantranand memorial collage. Dinanager (Punjab)

  • I uploaded my documents but I have not received message right now. I am facing many problems. So I request the respected persons to solve our problems or we have to leave colleges.

    • Bro go to website of aicte. Put your email and password which you get from when you uploaded form for pmsss. After that you will see the attachment,click on this and you will see joining report at bottom. Browse your report.

  • I Ayush Anand of PCCOER, Ravet, PUNE accidentally uploaded another document instead of the mark sheet for the J&K Scholarship Form.
    I tried changing it but wasn't successful in it.
    Please help me out by sending the procedure on the same E-mail ID to correct my fault or by allowing me to fill the form for second time.

    Thanking you,
    Yours Faithfully,
    Ayush Anand
    Candidate ID: 20152849
    E-mail ID : ayushanand735[AT]

  • I had appeared for PM SSS last year (2015-2016). Due to some personal problem I was not able to verify my documents on that date.
    I want to know that is it possible for verification?

  • I have applied for PM SSS last year(2015-16) due to some personal problem I have not appeared for Documents verification.

  • I am a student of BE 2nd year. I have submitted my tuition fees of 2nd semester which I have not submitted. My friends tell me that we have not submitted tuition fees. I have to upload my allotment letter given by aicte instead of fees. The college
    Facilities are asking to to show any proof that aicte has send scholar in college account.
    Jabalpur Engineering c0llege
    Go jaipur Ranghi
    482011 MP

  • I have given all my documents from 2013-2015 more than three times. Why my record is not adding by aicte? Give me a reason please. So that I can follow your steps to get fee because this is my last semester.
    My admitted session is 2013-2014
    bsc M.R.I /CT TECH

  • I tried to contact AICTE several times but no one replied. Either nobody attends it or it remains switched off. I humbly request the officials to kindly check out this problem.

  • I am from jammu (j&k). I got 91.2 percent in class 12 due to which I got selected in prime minister special scholarship scheme for j&k students (PMSSS) in which we are given colleges outside our state.
    I got vjti college (Veermata Jijabai technological institute, Maharashtra) in the counseling.
    With many hopes in my mind,I came with my papa to Mumbai.
    But,Since then the problems start arising.
    I got admission in the college but they are not giving us their hostel. They are saying that the hostels are only for Maharashtra students not for Jammu students.
    We are in Mumbai since 4 days with our suitcases roaming here and there in the rain,regularly requesting college deans to give a single room in their hostel as we are not so economically good to take a room on rent or take a private hostel in Mumbai outside the college but no one is listening to us. My father is a laborer and he is not in condition to pay huge lump on private hostels in Mumbai.
    We are 4 students from jammu,All of us are facing the same problem of not getting the hostel.
    We contacted the concerned authorities of AICTE but they are not picking up our phones.
    We are facing a delima of either leaving the college and go back to jammu or to buy a room on rent which we are not in condition to afford.
    Please ,Do something for us,we don't want to let our dreams swept,there is no option available to us.

  • Please tell me what is the date of counseling so that I take admission in college? My rank is 838.

  • I have got selected on your own merit. Should I need to attend the counseling or what should I do next?

  • I already applied for scholarship but my name not in merit list why? My passed session of 12th 2014_2015.

    • The merit lists of those students who have passed their 12th in session 2014-2015 has not been declared yet. I have also same problem.

    • Actually there is another PDF for students who have passing year 2014-2015. If you are not able to get the merit list then you can send meyo ur name and candidate Id and I will inform you.

  • I have uploaded my I semester Documents in January 2016. Kindly tell me what I have to do for second semester Documents?
    My 1st sem Scholarship will not come in my account.
    Candidate ID:- 20155595

  • I am the student of b-tech at Haryana .(pdm collage of engg.and tech.). I have submitted all my documents for 2nd sem scholarship(dbt). But unfortunately the amount (COLLAGE FEE) NOT COME IN MY ACCOUNT. NOW OUR SECOND SEM EXAMS ARE COMING. IF I DID NOT SUBMIT MY ALL DUES I WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SIT IN EXAMINATION.

  • I have recently passed class 12th in 2015. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a farmer. Our income is very low. My father is not in a position to send me some where else for study. Now I want to know can I get a scholarship?

  • I have taken admission in academy of aviation and engineering college Bangalore as I am domicile of Jandk and I want to know that am I eligible for pmss as I have passed my class in 2015-2016 session.

  • I have received my I semester scholarship in January 2016. Kindly tell me what I have to do for second semester scholarship? Will this come automatically into my account or I have to do any more process?

  • I have passed my 12th class exam in 2013. Am I eligible for A.I.C.T.Ej& k scholarship?

  • Colleges are not uploading my documents. What should I do? Please tell me. I request many times to principal. The principal is not listening to me. Please tell me what can I do?

  • I uploaded all the documents but when I reaches to submit them into facilitation centre they says aicte doesn't sent any link to us so we are not eligible to take. Please admin help me and say what will we do the students of Kashmir,Srinagar our facilitation centre is S.P college?

  • One of my friend was doing btech through aicte scholarship. He was in 5th sem when his collage demanded fee of whole 5 sems.
    He belong to a family with very pour economical condition. Now he is at home with wastage of 3 years due to this scholarship.

  • I submitted all the required documents including acknowledgement but yet I could not get any response from AICET. So I request to please check my documents and give me corresponding response ..

  • I Sheikh Sajid Ahmed presently under BDS Course in Himach Dental College found eligible for the year 2015-16 in the list issued by AICTE in the month of March 2016 as recommended by the Higher Education Department J&K.
    Can I Know the process that how can I upload my documents for release of the Scholarship?

    • Sheikh Sajid Ahmed under BDS at Himchal Dental College eligible in the list for PMSSS 2015-16 but no further information received.

  • To.
    All India council for
    Technical education
    New Delhi

    Sub : Application for release of prime minister special scholarship scheme (PMSSS) in favor of S.Satinderpal Singh S/O S. Harbans Singh R/O village Gulpur teh haveli dist. Poonch j&k state

    With due respect I beg to submit the following few lines for your kind consideration and favorable action please
    1. That the AICTE has not release the scholarship in favor of the above candidate yet as per institution report.
    2. That the year of 2014-15 institution had demanded to deposits Rs fourty thousands (₹ 40000)in shape of hostel fee which I had deposite the amount in the institution
    3. That now the institution is again demanding to deposits RS twenty four thousand (₹24000) for hostel fee and examination fee. I am not in position to deposit the above demanding amount
    4. That I am writing the detail of candidate and detail of Institute is as under
    Detail of applicant :
    Candidate ID number : 49127
    Name : Satinderpal Singh S/O Harbans Singh.
    Date of birth : 3-13 -1997
    Overall merit : 4839 merit in class XII
    Course admitted to E02663-1 Civil Engineering stream engineering
    Detail of Institute:- allotted is as under.

    Institution ID no.E02663
    Name of Institute Vedic Gurukul
    Institution of Engineering and Technology Jaipur address Gram Pawalia Teh sanaganer district Jaipur state Rajasthan.

    It is therefore requested to your good self that kindly may be release the scholarship in favor of the candidate as early as possible so the candidate can continue the study.
    Thanking your sir
    Your faithfully
    Harbans Singh F/O
    Satinderpal Singh
    R/O village Gulpur
    J&K state

  • I registered my self and aicte allotted me that username and password but when I login there seems to be an error. What is the problem? Can you tell me please?

  • I have passed my 12th examination in 2015 and our income is very less. My father is a small farmer. We are 6 members in family. My father has no any other source to send me for any course.

    • Open your gmail Account then upload your Documents fee receipt bank Account etc then upload OK.

  • My Id number is 20153655. I am pursuing BBA in Kanpur. I have submitted all necessary documents online but still I didn't get any thing. Kindly look into the matter and let me know.

  • I am an eligible student of year 2015-16 scholarship. I want to upload my documents. Please guide me how can I upload documents?

  • Can I get scholarship ?
    I have passed my 12th examination since 2015 and our income is very low.
    My father is a farmer and we are 6 members in our family.

  • Our 1st year nearly comes to end but aicte till today not release scholarship for 2nd installment. AICTE is playing with our career. Please tell us a suitable answer as when scholarship will be credited in our accounts for 2015_16 batch.

  • I am the eligible student of AY2015-2016. I want to upload my documents,but there is no link for that purposes. Please guide me as how can I upload documents.

  • I take admission at own. Now I am eligible for 2015 -16 list recently released. What should I do now?

  • I'm from j and k pursuing BBA course. My Id number is 20153655 for the year 2015-16 but still I didn't get any thing. I am making phone calls on your number but that person is giving me assurance only ,from last 2 months. Kindly look into the matter.

  • I am a student of Chandigarh university and my name is in the 14th IMC list but I didn't got the scholarship till today. Why is it taking so much of time?

  • I got 1st installment but notification is there to filled once again. But problem is that I don't have SGPA on my marks list because one back and form is not uploaded. So please tell me what should we do?

  • I didn't get back my username & password. When I will get? Last two days before I registered my primary email. As per Aicte portal said you will get within 48hours but I didn't get.

  • My password is not being accepted by web portal and I am yet to get my second installment. How are the documents to be uploaded? © 2022

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