Haryana Waqf Board Education Scholarship Application 2018-19 : haryanawaqfboard.com

Organisation : Haryana Waqf Board
Scholarship Name : Education Scholarship Application 2018-19
Applicable For : Muslim Students
Applicable State : Haryana
Application Last Date : 30.11.2018
Website : http://www.haryanawaqfboard.com/index.php/site/index

Haryana Waqf Board Education Scholarship

Applications are invited for the award of Education Scholarships 2018-19 to the needy and deserving Muslim students of Haryana studying in the recognized schools/cottages/institutes up to Graduation level in class/course after passing 10th class.

Related : SCERT Haryana NMMS National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Exam 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/26854.html

Who Can Apply?

** Minimum requirement for Education Scholarships is 65% marks by boys and 60% obtained by girls in the last examination . But the scholarships will be given on moat as per availability of budget.

** Total annual income of parents of such students must not exceed Rs 200 Lac (Rs Two Lac Only) from all sources Income certificate/affidavit will be attested by Executive Magistrate only

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Education Scholarship Application 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Haryana Waqf Board through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : The complete application form in all respect with income certificate and marks sheet of last examination must reach the Head Office Haryana Waqf Board. 50. Sardar Patel Marg. Ambata Cantt.- 133001 till 30.11.2018.

Note :
Incomplete applications and received after specified date will be summarily rejected.

Application Format

1. Name (in Capital Letters)
2. Place and date of birth
3. Class in which studying
4. Domicile & Nationality
5. Full Address with Cont. No.
(b) Permanent
6. Married or Single

7.(a) Father’s full name
(b) Guardian’s name
(c) Reason for father/ Husband not being the guardian
8. Occupation of the Father/ Guardian

In case of Service
i) Designation
(ii) Office address
(iii) Pay Scale (grade)
(iv) Basic
(v) Allowances
(vi) Total emolument (monthly)
(vii) Income from other sources
(viii) Mother’s income, if any

(b) In case of Agriculture
i) Total Land holding
ii) Irrigated Non-irrigated
iii) Located at (address)
iv) Other landed property
v) Total income (Annual)
vi) Total family income (Annual)

(c) In case of Business
(ii) Ownership/Partnership .
(iii)Ownership of shop/workshop
(v) Landed property
(vi) Total income (Annual)
(vii) Total family income (Annual)

(d) In case of any other Professional/independent Practice
(i) Type
(ii) Monthly Income
(iii) Landed property
(iv)Family annual income from all sources.

9. Particulars of all examination passed
10. (a) Name and full address of the School/Collage, where the student is Studying
(b) Name of Board/Council/ Govt. Agency by which the Institution is recognized
(c) Date of admission

(d) Class in which the applicant is studying at present
(e) Course and subject taken
(f) No. of years required for the completion of the course (from date of admission)
(g) Admission got through payment or donation or
(h) Particulars of relative, if any (working in Haryana Waqf Board)

About Haryana Waqf Board :
The Haryana Waqf Board, a body corporate having perpetual succession, was established by the State Government under section 13 (1) of the Waqf Act, 1995 (Act No. 43 of 1995) on 1st August, 2003vide Government of Haryana Notification No. 18/2/96-3JJ (I), dated 1.8.2003. Previously, the State of Haryana was one of the constituent units of the erstwhile Punjab Waqf Board.

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